Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Hopefully, once WoW is done years from now, the next Warcraft MMO is a prequel set in a more fleshed out, more grim Eastern Kingdoms between the First and Second War (between Warcraft I and Warcraft II). Less cartoon and more grit. And plenty of stories to tell in that time period. But none of that space and crystals interdimensional nonsense.

That way you can have the Old School factions: The Horde with Orcs, Ogres, Forest Trolls and Goblins and the Alliance with Humans, Dwarves, High Elves and Gnomes. So the Alliance can finally have its High Elves.

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htt ps://

Oh look it’s another famous elven lodge that is apparently just an abstract representation of a city right…? Right?

“The Quel’Lithien Lodge was once a commonly-visited [Farstrider] camp”

Or whoops, guess it’s just a camp with one building in it. That some HE’s used to squat in before a majority of them became wretched. Aka, the most common fate of the exiled elves. Making that already low 1% into an even smaller fraction.


The Void Elves are a “Squad” of Blood Elves.

I’m not sure why you think diminishing the High Elven Population means anything?

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Since it’s not canon there’s really no point in talking about it.

Blizzard made it a critical plot point to show us that a majority of the elves died when Arthas attacked. Bloodelves are a small remaining faction that Kael’thelas also shrunk further with his expedition to the outlands. A tiny fraction of the tiny fraction of the tinier fraction of elves that remained were exiled.

We see their fate in the game itself. They become wretched, get killed, or follow veressa’s company which is not big enough to be an established civilization no matter how much you want to wish it to be.

Pointing out that you can see a stray high elf taking up residence in someone else’s city is not enough grounds to base an entire playable race on. Otherwise where are my undead gnomes and dwarves? You do realize that gnomes and dwarves lived in lordaeron right? They got killed and some became forsaken?

You’re talking about headcanon.

I’d take something that had Blizzards input over what you just made up any day of the week.

Let’s look at the Hierarchy of evidence here:

World of Warcraft, Warcraft Published Novels, Comic Books, Manga Etc. (canon)
World of Warcraft RPG Stuff (Non-canon but worked with Blizzard Developers)
Tons of other stuff.
The thing you just made up right now.

Sorry. The WoW rpg books supercede your opinion by a drastic margin.

Blood elves are high elves. They change eye color depending on the magic they use. It’s not that hard to think blood elves having blue eyes… cause the name blood elves is political. The first blood elves still had blue eyes. They started using fel magic (not all the people seeing as holy paladins siphoned light and they would have golden eyes). If you siphon certain magic they can turn yellow. High elves also had red eyes and white and blue as well. Those options should be extended to blood elves as the lore supports it.

You can base an entire playable race on a tiny group of Mag’har Orcs.

You can base an entire playable race on the nearly extinct Tauren.

You can base an entire playable race on the nearly extinct Darkspear Trolls.

You can base an entire playable race on the handful of Void Elves that were in the Rift.

So that’s an interesting opinion you have right there. Not a lot of logic in it.


It’s not headcanon. It’s facts Blizzard said themselves.

You’re the only one using headcanon to justfiy your dumb idea of a playable race. Not me.


what “facts” are you talking about exactly?

Death Knights.

I like that those people push the High Elf discussion out of the High Elf megathread because they are destroyed every time they go there.


actually I would say they are just normal undead and not death knights. Death knights were rare during the scourge uprising. In reality they are probably part of the ghouls, skeletons, abominations, ect. The numbers would be so few to start with that they are just not represented in game.

Blizzard has already given us the answer. So since you’ll take “what they say” over anything I said be my guest.

They’ve already stated that the bloodelves ARE the high elves. That there’s no reason to add them to the game as a playable race. The sunwell got restored, everyone who wanted to come back was welcomed back. You can see these people in Alleria’s little event where she nearly corrupts the sunwell again lined up to visit.

Blizzard didn’t give bloodelves golden eyes because “it looked cool”. It was to represent the changes that happened since the events of WC3 and BC. The most you can really expect is a blue eye color for the bloodelf race. Or a pinkish skin color for the void elves. You won’t get a dedicated race so stop asking for one. If you want to play as a high elf so desperatly right now go make a bloodelf. Because as Blizzard already said, bloodelves are high elves.

So you’re telling me Silvermoon did not get destroyed and lose 90% of its population?

I mean you are entitled to your own opinions but don’t treat it as fact and definitive for all time. Blizzard doesn’t like limitations when it comes to lore and gameplay as has been shown in the past and they will retcon stuff to make the story or plot of new content.

High Elves might be a meme but you people are a joke, using other threads to avoid discussing in the main one because how pathetic you are to stand a debate with them.


Nobody has argued that it didn’t. Nice Strawman.

Your argument doesn’t work.

There are a lot more High Elves than several other races that are playable.

it did. but that is just the population of quel’thelas. Most of the elves we are asking for didn’t live in quel’thelas. Arguably basing off of life spans and known lore many could have never even been to quel’thelas having instead been born and raised in human kingdoms.

Dalaran for instance going back to its’ found would be on generation 4 of high elves by the modern day.

I do think they will give alliance high elves… cause it’s not that hard to make. But I would expect some good blood elf customization to compensate and differentiate them. (since allliance really want them and they want $$). Just not in BFA.

But that doesn’t mean blood elves shouldnt get those juicy eye colors. SInce the lore fits it well. They are the OG high elves after all. The ones that stayed with the alliance did it because of there marital ties to the humans and exile from the blood elves.

Almost like… a blue eyed elf that fights for the alliance?

A race that brings nothing new to the table. Offers no new gameplay or interesting lore to play upon. Void elves give Alleria a purpose, are a much different form of elf. They go nicely with the new form of bloodelves who are now blessed by the light. Like a perfect opposite for the whole void vs light theme Blizzard has been toying with lately.

What do these so called “high elves” bring?