Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

I don’t know that I’d call that the “Problem.”

Also, Thanks about the Lore comment Heca.

Hope you’re doing alright.

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1% is because 90% of the elves DIED when Silvermoon got sacked by Arthas.

You know, they all died right? 9% became bloodelves. 1% became high elves.

90% of 10% is 9% leaving 1%.

There are more tigers in our real life planet, than there are blue eyed elves in WoW. They are beyond endangered. They are essentially extinct. Blizzard has no reason to put extinct races into their game as playable.


A lodge isn’t a city.

Theramore is a human city. Dalaran is a human city. A “base” is merely an outpost.

You’re talking about minor exiles that are living in other peoples lands. You can’t call what amounts to like 100-200 people as a civilization anymore. If it made sense for them to be in Blizzard would have done it by now. It doesn’t take much effort to copy/paste a bloodelf model and throw blue eyes on it.

You’re also forgetting about all the other elves welcomed back after the Sunwell was restored. Why would any rightful minded person exile themselves instead of just getting gold eyes and reuniting with what’s left of their relatives?


Tauren, Darkspear Trolls, Draenei, Mag’Har Orcs and Void Elves have pathetically low populations.

This is a non-issue.

Also if there were one million High Elves before Arthas destroyed the Sunwell, then there would be more than twice as many High Elves are there are Tigers on earth.

So without real population numbers you can’t know that.


Blizzard just added Allied Races. So the, “They would have done this before now” argument doesn’t work.

and they don’t have to rejoin the Blood Elves to be sustained by the Sunwell. So why would they?

They’re different cultures. Blood Elves no longer consider themselves High Elves.

That argument doesn’t make any sense either.

Got anything else?


Dalaran is a human city with sizable gnomish and high elf populations.

And a lodge may be one building, but Orgrimmar isnt the size of a block either. It’s representative, not reality.

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They have equivalent low populations to the blood elves. Which is my entire point, something you fail to comprehend.

“High elves” would be a mere fraction of an already low population. Not a race that can stand on their own. They’re a dead race get over it already. They aren’t coming back. No amount of bickering will make it so.

Elves are, ironically despite what GS has you believe, have very low fertility rates so they’re not exactly in a position to replenish their numbers. They’re picky with their mates and they’re at such a low population size that even if they weren’t and didn’t take forever to reproduce the genetic sample size is too small to be sustainable. Unlike the much shorter lived trolls and goblins.

Every bit of evidence the game and lore provides us shows that it’s not gonna happen. Nor should it. Just save yourself the time and trouble and give it up.

Yeah it is representative. Org is a city. While a lodge is a lodge…

Which one do you think is more accurately represented in the game? Obviously not Org. But there’s no reason you can’t say the lodge isn’t 100% there.

Neither of them?

Goldshire is supposed to be a massive city.

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Goldshire isn’t a hunting lodge either. It’s a town.

One is a building, the other is a town. Why are simple facts hard for you guys to understand? This is why nobody takes your group seriously.

I’m not sure what your point is?

Nobody is saying that there should be a High Elf version of a capital city.

There are plenty of them to be an Allied Race.

They’re definitely not a dead race. Did you skip Isle of Thunder or Suramar or something?

Also you got a citation for your procreation statement, that doesn’t matter anyways, that isn’t a dungeons and dragons manual?


Isle of thunder had like 20 elves that went into a fight I bet not all of them came out alive with. Also there was like a dozen or so elves in Surmar, the nightelves, nightborne, and bloodelves were the main bulk of that entire encounter.

My point is you’re trying to compare a single lodge, WHICH IS A SINGULAR BUILDING, and compare it to capital cities and towns.

Also I’m not the one that needs a citation. Feel free to show me any elf + elf couple that’s been producing kids. I can show you elf + human ones that do. But the most popular elven couple is probably Tyrande and Malfurion they had like 10,000+ years to start making kids and what came of that? The actual evidence is already on my side. You’re the one trying to make up stuff that doesn’t happen.

Because a lodge could have supporting structures?

Every Elven Lodge I’ve ever seen in WoW is essentially the equivalent of a village.

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You do realize that NPC numbers in WoW are abstract right?

20 Elves = a ton of elves.

Like, Goldshire has what? 20 people max?

It’s supposed to be thousands.

Stormwind has how many people in it? To represent millions?


htt ps://

A single building and watchtower.


Children are very rarely represented in WoW.

Suramar probably has the most.

You seem to be struggling with the fact that the game world is an abstraction.


Yeah. Goldshire is what? Four? Five buildings?

It’s a city.

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It’s abstract to a point. Like for the major races which are playable.

But not for the near extinct races. You can’t look at Wrathion and tell me there’s a horde of black dragon just hiding offscreen somewhere. Also goldshire is a city. Which can be abstract.


You’re not going to get population numbers from anywhere except the WoW rpg books which aren’t considered canon.

But they made them with input from the developers and they dropped 650 Elves into that lodge, which is a lot for one building.

Which doesn’t count the 1,300 they had at Aerie Peak.

There are 2,000 High Elves in the Hinterlands in the pen and paper books.

Which, canon or not, is the only population census you’re going to get.