Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

I mean I agree with you, I am mostly neutral on the High Elf issue, and with the void elves current story I happen to really like void elves, they are sort of like the Alliance’s new High Elves (since they are a bit similar in character), i’ve seen what both sides argued about and suggested and I happen to really like the Suggestion to change the model instead but the problem is that this was suggested after Void Elves were made playable.

So I don’t think High Elves could become playable anymore, since it’s clear that they tried to make Void Elves the compromise, and I don’t think blizzard wants to make more

Compromise implies a two-way consensus.

Nobody asked for Void Elves and their implementation has been shoddy.

A true compromise would have been to make them based from High Elves and look like Alleria with voidy customization.

But nah they’re 100% grape Blood Elf with no Alliance history. Not sure how any person can view this as a compromise if they aren’t compromised by their own agendas.


I mean they were at least Alliance supporters before they turned into Void Elves according to umbric it’s partly why they left silvermoon after hearing about their deal with the horde.

This is true, but really what can we do? they’re already here the only thing left to do is accept them, they aren’t that bad

In time i’m sure they will be as staunch members of the Alliance as the High Elves were for Lordaeron. :slightly_smiling_face:


High Elves kind of matter, especially to Alliance players because its been the top requested thing since Vanilla in terms of a playable race. It also seems unbalanced that when it comes to Allied races or just in general player requested things it seems things Horde players tend to want is a given, but things Alliance players want is ignored or denied.

It also doesn’t help that Void Elves had no lore, no presence and still really don’t since they were contrived on a napkin sometime after legion because a developer thought it was cool. Nobody asked for that race but it was hoisted onto us. People asked for Nightborne, HM Tauren, Vrykul, ect and only the Horde got some of those races. Alliance got Dark Irons to be fair, but other selections were not really asked for.

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Someone that doesn’t understand the request for High Elves could view it as a compromise.

Someone that doesn’t know anything about the lore or history of Warcraft.


Fair enough to say that they had no love for the Horde, but we have 12 years of context for High Elves that wasn’t used in favor of one that was created on the spot.

It’s just genuinely disappointing, unless they plan to use High Elves in some other fashion. They keep putting them in the setting. Even Hearthstone (a different setting which often features preludes to WoW events) keeps adding High Elf cards (recently Vereesa).

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aye. Void elves were far from a compromise. Their biggest mistake with void elves was making them former blood elves instead of coming from alliance high elves. That to me also says they have other plans for alliance high elves and want them to stay as is.


Or maybe…just maaaybe…it was because there are next to no “high elves” left, and so they had to take them from the blood elf population.

But idk…that might be too logical for your crowd.

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There were next to no Tauren or Darkspear left in WC3.

There are next to no Draenei and Mag’Har orcs.

And there is only a handful of Void Elves. So, “If not many of them.” Is an issue then they wouldn’t be playable.

Keep in mind High Elves field a batallion in Suramar.


Not exactly.

" As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race. Though without any official leader, [Vereesa Windrunner] leads one of the few organized high elf collaborations, the [Silver Covenant], as its self-styled Ranger General. [Auric Sunchaser], a captain of the remnants of Alleria’s ranger cadre found in [Terokkar Forest], serves as the high elven representative at the restored [Sunwell] in modern [Quel’Thalas]."

When arthas invaded Silvermoon 90% of the high elves were killed. 9% became bloodelves. 1% remained high elves. Since then there have been many more events that thinned the less than 1% population that still existed. There is no “high elf” race anymore. Everyone who was part of that died or succumbed to a magic addiction when they couldn’t find alternative sources. Not everyone was as fortunate as Vereesa and her crew. Petty wars against the horde dwindled that already low population even further.

Any of them that survived have rejoined with the bloodelves and likely have gold eyes now since they are free to visit the Sunwell. There is literally no reason for them not to return home. The blue eye high elf is a myth. A literal myth. There won’t be any more of them since the only ones we’ve seen actually breed decided to mate with someone outside their species.

Blizzard doesn’t listen to the players not because they hate us. But because this is one of the rare cases where the loud minority is actually wrong. Putting blue eye “high elfs” into the game as a playable race would go against everything that was established about the quel’dorei culture.


There weren’t many bloodelves either. Tauren, Darkspear, Bloodelves, Draenei, etc all are in similar number.

But we do have a direct comparison to bloodelves and highelves. Who were only 10% of the bloodelf population at their peak. Bloodelves continue to move on, got an established home, make more of themselves, etc. Where do the high elves live?

They don’t have anywhere because they are not a number that can sustain a growing population. Which is why of the ones that survived up until this point ended up just going back to Silvermoon once the Sunwell was restored.

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Rofl. Handful of rangers are now a batallion. Helfer logic continues to amuse.


eh that depends on what you consider “next to nothing” sure compared to their original population it is next to nothing but running canonical numbers there would have to be several thousand at minimum with the potential for tens of thousands.

Ugh, where are you getting 1% from? 10% of the remaining High elves are high Elves. 90% changed their name and no longer consider themselves High Elves.

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rofl. It seems like we are the only ones that DO understand the lore. High elves are no where near extinct compared to other currently playable races. In reality they are probably close to the top in regards to population.

Compared to real life they would be on the verge of exinction but in warcraft with the potential for tens of thousands left they are far from being near the bottom. Blood elves would be in the 100s of thousands still probably putting them above orcs considering all that orcs have gone through.

So I would say it high elves are 4th or 5th place in population unless we count the non aligned pandaren.


From my observations they seem to know the most about the lore.

Also, how are you going to say they don’t know something and then call them nerds?

The lore states, “They deployed a battalion of battle Mages” to Suramar.

Read it when the Alliance sends you to their camp.

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this isn’t even the reality. that 1%/10% are canonically mostly dead as that was only considering the population of the kingdom fo quel’thelas and that thosee exiled where a single lodge in the plaguelands. (though it does give us insight to the size of these lodges if 10 thousand or more of them can live in them)

for those curious where I get these numbers it is from taking the 15% of survivors that comprised kael’thas army in warcraft 3-BC. Accounting for losses taken and references over the course of the several years it was active he had roughly between 20-30 thousand in his army.

They live in quel’danil lodge, trueshot lodge, They did live in Theramore and
They live in Dalaran.

They built a base in northrend, and the Allerian Hold Elvish Ranger Corp returned to the Alliance in BC, unaffected by Northrend.

Also, populations move at the speed of plot. Darkspear Trolls and Tauren were nearly extinct when they were introduced.

And you have no lore citation for how fast anybody is procreating in wow.

Any more questions?


The people who are demanding playable High Elves care very much about the lore, more specifically the High Elf lore. The problem is Blizzard not only keeps the “door open” for these people, blizzard keeps High Elves visible. Which would be fine if it was their intention to make High Elves be more available but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Aleria should have changed and become a blueberry and Blizzard should have concluded the High Elf story line. There is a lot of transference to people who publicly disagree with them because Blizzard Devs aren’t accessible and they go after what they can reach. What we get is a very intense mob and other forum goers are by nature reactionary.