Cuter than gnomes but would look better with tusks and about half as many fingers and toes
Alright, this not be to my taste but I can see it. Can you imagine the poor lad being all embarrassed having people look at him even though he’s well built and well trained? Adorable!
On topic: Goblin girls get a solid 8/10. I’d love 'em but I’m sure it would cost me.
Goblin females are cute. Not the males, they are greedy bastards.
Are you trying to mate with a boar?
Hey now. You’ve never even seen Hogger’s mum.
I’m sure her beauty is so overwhelming and indescribable that all who gaze upon her are rendered speechless.
raises eyebrow and side eyes quizzically
How bold of you.
I know you’re 120, but you barely look a day over 25.
Ha. I chuckled out loud.
Well played.
Yes Goblins, and Gnomes are both cute. That’s why I play them
The cutest.
So cute, I’m always Goblin 'em up!
Female Goblins, Yes!
Female Goblins are pretty cute, though the shortness throws me off. 8/10
Male Goblins are… well honestly I don’t find any of them attractive, but some are less ugly than others. At least they’re not undead. 5/10
What you mean is “On a scale of 10-10, how cute do you find goblins?”
My answer is 10. Now give me all your money.
I like how this is coming from a character who looks like the human version of metapod. Relax.
Don’t insult goblins in such a way
Well put it this way… I boosted this character during Legion.
Made myself another priest who is now higher level than this guy, done from scratch.
This guy is now just a crafting mule, because…
He’s a goblin.
I reject your scale because Hogger’s mum is an absolute saint and you should be ashamed! Also because Anduin is a smelly nerd loser dumb face.
Hence, my scale will be:
1 being Velen at the beach
10 being basically any female belf
Goblins get a 0.
Velen in beach wear lookin like a snack
Omfg lol. Take my +1 for that, you deviant.
Man… I freaking LOVE gobbies.