On a scale of 1 - 10 how cute do you find goblins.
1 being Hogger’s mum
10 being Shirtless Anduin
Cuter than gnomes
this is like asking a slug it it finds other slugs cute. not eventhing needs to be cute to everybody.
i find goblins ugly
hoggers mum has got it going on.
Cute as a bug’s bottom!
Usually people put the best option at 10, not the worst.
Nothing wrong with Andy, even if he’s got fewer chest hairs than I do.
I feel like that’s an unrealistic expectation considering what your race is.
/slams hands on the table
YES! Goblins are cute
Thank you for your passionate answer!
Goblins are adorable, especially when they sweet talk you while stealing all your gold
They’re Scam Artists that sell Fel Blood to young, impressionable Mag’har who just want to be cool.
Of course we are(can be). Even on my male goblin I’ve been told I am cute sometimes. Anyone who says otherwise is either hasn’t had the pleasure of attending a really good goblin party.
i know of one who is
here’s looking at you, …
I am trying very hard to be the complete opposite of cute, but I’ll acknowledge plenty of goblins can look cute with the right attire.
I don’t think of them as cute but they are fun to play. Sometimes they’re hilarious to play.
Goblin gals are cute most of the time.
I’m amazingly adorable as I slowly take your wallet out of your back pocket…
i am very cute
Their personalities are absolutely adorable in that dangerously carefree sort of way. Their current models look a little rough though. The males kind of have that simultaneously Kurt Russelly, Bruce Campbelly ruggedness combined with a so-ugly-they’re-cute vibe. The females… well they don’t look terrible. The preview they gave us of the new models looks to be a huge improvement in the looks department though.