I love goblins. Everything about them.
Do druids poo in the woods?
To me personally, not “cute” as in attractive I guess? Well, males anyway. I think my female goblins are pretty but not attractive to me (being a straight female), since I’m not into females I play races I like the look of in general though and I like playing mostly elves. I think they can be adorable.
cute pose
Isn’t that a 10?
Male Goblin hunters have the best feign death mechanic
Current Goblins… ehhh… i’ll give em a 6.5/10
New model Goblins? So adorable! 10/10
Cant wait for the new models! Wish they were here already lol.
Goblin females have kind of a bad girl look to them where as Gnome females have that can you help me find my mommy look
Aye, you wanna get cute?!
Bug butts are cute.
How’s Mr. Slave?
I live with Butters now.
He doesn’t put me in…timeout.
LOL, every time I see a reference to Pet Sematary, I get mad because that book was so sad and awful.
I forgot all about Butters adventures in PS. lol
We’re totally adorkable!
I’ve been debating maining a shaman as one or as a highmountain tauren. I really like them both =/
slides on over
How ya doin’?
Watch out it’s Biden in disguise
Mind your own business.
HA An orc with a business.
Nevermind that would never happen.