Bear druids will be able to use Lacerate and Mangle, and threat will be increased substantially, so that seems like a pretty decent buff to bear tanking.
Feral is still the best WSG Flag runner, and desired in every STV melee comp, so I’m not sure the question makes much sense to begin with.
The biggest issue is that boomy is SUPER squishy because the HOTS and Rewgrowth literally does nothing with all the absurd amount of Instant damage and cc in SOD
You literally die to a aff lock with full hots up
Frenzied REGEN is literally the ONLY thing that can keep you from getting killed when someone connects right now and its a 3 minute cd.
Shifting, rooting, putting up Hots none of that matters in SOD with the bonkers damage thats going on.
The problem with all of SOD PVP is that there is ZERO counter play to any of this absurdity.
IF i open on you on my rogue you’re dead, period. If i have even a 1/4 of my cds there is NOTHING you can do to survive… This is the main issue with sod pvp
if you’re talking strictly solo maybe? I have the easiest time keeping my boomies up on my sham. Frenzied + SI is also probably 2nd only to divine shield as far as CDs go, though i think they only run frenzied. 800+ ticks and 1200 crits if you run both? yeah.
you also say no counter play but almost every rune druid has received in p2/3 is a PvP defensive cd.
Yeah, it’s so frustrating, especially when you consider the state of our runes in general.
I wish at the least Fires would give passive increased duration to Sunfire and Moonfire ontop of the extension.
It would make the fiddly nature of how it’s currently working more manageable. Even if it just made Sunfire and Moonfire 15 or 18s baseline first.
Kind of dislike in general the nonsense between spells that are supposed to interact with other abilities just not doing so either correctly, or intuitively.
Like Starsurge is supposed to act as both Wrath and Starfire but hardly does in most circumstances, and when it does it does so inconsistently.
Like why does Starsurge not proc Fury of Stormrage? Why does Starsurge not consume/benefit from it’s Starfire buff if it hasn’t been spent. Why does Starsurge extend Sunfire but not Moonfire through Fires of Elune?
There are countless interactions that you just need to know, because they aren’t explained, aren’t intuitive, and aren’t self evident.
Why does Starsurge not consume/benefit from it’s Starfire buff if it hasn’t been spent. Why does Starsurge extend Sunfire but not Moonfire through Fires of Elune?
There are countless interactions that you just need to know, because they aren’t explained, aren’t intuitive, and aren’t self evident.
it was nerfed early P2 because the playstyle was toxic. now Lone Wolf/LnL Chimera hunters have received that playstyle.
I have not lost to a single boomy on rogue, ever. Boomy is easier to kill than almost every other class aside from a bubble or spriest. The heals do literally nothing outside of the 3 min cd. Boomy is in a bad spot in pvp right now.
If you let them cast in a bg thats a you issue not the boomy being “good”. Its so easy to stop casts in SOD with all the tools everyone has.
Boomy is C tier and thats only because you can go into potato random bgs and blow a couple people up standing still casting star fires.
Starsurge HITS LESS than wrath now… I dont think some of you pvp outside of rando bgs.
I run survival of the fittest, survival instincts and frenzied regen in pvp as balance d ruid and it’s actually insane how unkillable you are. You barely cast wrath in pvp anyways so it’s pretty good unless you need your healing touches
If a Rogue initiates on you and they play it right they are not killable. They can just run away or reset the fight to their needs. So no idea why you mentioned that broken classic class which I also mentioned in my post that you conveniently didn’t quote.
You will lose 100% of the time as any other melee class vs a Boomie.
LoL boomies are ooming casting 1 wild growth and shifting as it is…
Wrath hits harder than Starsurge and gets crit bonus and you’re telling me you’re not casting it in the ONLY place boomy is good right??? The back of the line in a BG lol
wrath is still good, don’t get me wrong and you still cast it. But you don’t need it to be free to destroy people. You can play boomy a couple ways in pvp anyhow. People generally target balance druids to try to kill them so I like to go tanks and dots everyone while meleeing someone hitting me. since it can be difficult to kill me my team usually wipes the floor with the people hitting me in addition to my dots.
But also, even without free wrath I have moments where I 1 v 3 people at least in bg’s. In STV it’s a little bit more crazy.
and yea i run sotf/frenzied/si as resto too. good as efflo is, i only swap after im on cd. imp barkskin as well, you have more relevant SHORT CD defensives than any other class.
This guy doesn’t play Druid correctly. You can tell by the fact he is shifting into Normal form.
Boomie does not have to leave their Moonkin form. You run SOTF/Frenzy/SI/Barkskin. Melee will need to do 7k damage while doing 30% reduced damage on top of going through Moonkin armor before a Boomie kills them. Good luck.