Are downvotes just better?

so, other people’s opinions are so painful for you that you would
rather not know.

Downvotes are not better. I remember when we had the system. So many posts that were factually correct downvoted by cliques who you took attention away from, projecting the illusion that the post was wrong or burying it, when it shouldn’t have been. This bolds true for the opposite.


Yeah - people using Alts to upvote their own threads or their friends threads is annoying and gives a false impression… but it is ultimately harmless. I wish Blizzard would make “likes” account wide.

But downvotes have a negative effect. They can hide something that follows the code of conduct just by brigading something they disagree with.

I don’t see anything wrong with punishing people who false flag. I think it is the only solution.

Maybe if a false flag is over turned, the person who did the false flag cant flag anyone for a month. Not a big punishment - and the mods will have a month break from that false flagger.

And a limit on flags per account - maybe one per week- would make sure people use them more judiciously.

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I was going to say just bring back standard reporting. Actually having to type out what the problem is. If a post gets 3 reports, each one is something completely different, it will paint a different picture than when 3 people just flag something they disagree with as trolling. Sure, a “human” has to look at it, but it’s just an entry level, minimum wage employee rubber stamping to empty their queue and fill their daily quota.

Back when we had a report feature, real trolls got banned, not some guy who had a different opinion.


Id kill for a reddit system where posts move based on response.

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No, you just read it that way. You clearly have a narrative to push. What I wrote means I want to avoid things that alienate people, both ways. I’m reading your post(s) just fine, see ? If you post anything else I’ll consider it, if it doesn’t fit me I’ll ignore it, or reply, who knows ? Only the choice matters, we owe one another nothing, but amenity maybe.

You’re not a well known troll to me, those ones I /ignored them already because in years lurking here I haven’t agreed to anything they wrote, or I despise them. I’ve never felt the need to harass them or to get revenge. Social engineered things are meant precisely for that, create drama under the guise of sociability. It’s peak perversion. I want to avoid this at any price. Do you enjoy it, good for you, but some others really don’t, and I’d rather join them than oppose you. That, is true sociability. Nobody is entitled anything, so why would I lose time trying to change your rightful mind ? As long as you don’t break some rules and don’t act like a duck 100% times, it’s ok.

There are hundreds posters, 10 less won’t matter much, and I can focus on the others. And the beauty of it ? They can do the same ! It’s a game, we have to cope with people only if we choose to. Life’s too short, and GD far too entertaining to let some pityful human beings confiscate and make ot bleak.

So, yeah, I’m to avoid any power on the forum/posters to anybody, just on their own experience. Dunno where you saw pain in this :stuck_out_tongue: