Are DH the most hated class in WoW

As a warlock Demon Hunters are my enemy for taking some of my abilities but anyone saying that DH is still super duper easy clearly isn’t playing the spec to anywhere near it’s full potential lol.

Its not something I recall seeing, but I can’t speak for S4 of SL, but from 1 up to 3, that was quite literally one of the most common classes that I saw in M+/Raid. In S4 DH were pretty common in PvP and a real nut to crack with substantial self healing.

I’m not even joking, I main a tank and I usually leave the group if I see a havoc DH in there.

I just don’t want to deal with their momentum pulling anymore.

Says the warrior…:joy::joy::joy:

rogues like to place false info on making DH’s appear hated and annoying, so they can stay clear n continue gank low lvl players in warmode.

so in short

yer right!

nerf dh’s

I remember when rogues were op enough to two shot with ambush and eviscerate, they were hated then.

Rogue is quite literally one of the most unique classes in the game, what? It has multiple CC options that are on short CDs and also has access to a party-wide stealth, which is invaluable in M+. They were “meta” even when melee was pretty horrid during SL solely because of their unique ability to provide skips.

Absolutely absurd to excuse their performance in raid and M+ with “but all we bring is damage :pleading_face:”. No reason for you to be at the top with all 3 specs.

Rogue is hard to play though while us DH…

Outlaw is not a hard spec, lmao.

Giving a class the ability to litterally fly around the battle field was the dumbest thing blizz has ever done

My great grandmother’s name was Gay. You got a problem with that?

Normally I don’t reply to forum posts but for this one I will, since i honestly despise DH, its not really a class thing for me because they have all the buttons for a great tank and solid dps but the people that play vengeance DH in my groups just never seem to want to use their cds, I even have an addon to see their cds and they just don’t use them! I have to spam heals just for them to die mid cast and then they flame me and leave the dungeon. Ive seen this happen so often since the release of the class ive just stopped grouping with DH players i dont know personally if i could at all help it because of how many times they’ve spurned me. I blame only the players, not the class

Your jealousy is noted.

One thing is for certain, there is no shortage of angry nerds.

They are still broken in pvp right now too

I play DH so I also play an easy spec, you can fart on your keyboard and also stand on one foot and still do good with both Outlaw and Havoc. Provided you aren’t wearing a blindfold.

Why is this Paladin complaining about Demon Hunters?

Most DH’s tend to be edgy teenagers with zero social skills because “Blindfold and wings cool”. I normally don’t invite DH’s to my keys just because they tend to be bad and toxic from my experience.

I will get chit for this but… I always saw classes in wow as replacement for choosing difficulty in old games. Choosing your class is like choosing a difficulty mode…

Easy mode: DH, Evoker, Rogue and Hunter.
Normal mode: ele Shaman, DK, Ret, lock, mage, war, Priest…
Hard mode: Enh Shaman and war tank.

I like how people say Rogues are super easy, yet they’re one of the least played classes.