Are DH the most hated class in WoW

For whatever reason, the human psyche has this odd tendency to merge its own identity into whatever it attaches to in fantasy land. Their class became their “identity.” Every person in here is going to feel “attacked,” and trigger off each other.

The initial post was a complaint/stereotype, now every person that provides a reason is going to trigger them to complain about others opinions. This is another chain reaction post with memes that will solidify confirmation bias of both sides at best. At worst, its about to turn into a zoo and poop flinging contest.

did you play shadowlands? this is demonstrably false.

Theres a massive difference between a competent dh and a good dh. You can be braindead and still pull good damage, but to play the class at peak theres more to it, and theres many class specs easier.

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DH M+ rotation in a nutshell.

Sigil of Flame to generate fury before the pull
Immolation Aura as you enter combat
Throw Glaive to apply Burning Wound and Soulrend
Fel Rush
The Hunt
Eye Beam
Vengeful Retreat to reactivate Initiative
Essence Break as you pass through the hitbox
Death Sweep
Death Sweep
Eye Beam
Throw Glaive

Throw Glaive will always take priority over Chaos Strike or Annihilation when more than one target is present. Otherwise, it will only take priority when targets are not affected by Essence Break.

Beyond the opener, your primary goal will be to use Vengeful Retreat on cooldown, to never allow Throw Glaive to accumulate two charges so as to maximize Soulrend damage, to ensure every Throw Glaive is empowered by Momentum, to never sit on two charges of Fel Rush, and to try to empower the last half of your Immolation Aura with Momentum as much as possible to maximize Ragefire damage. You will have a smaller burst window every 40 seconds with Vengeful Retreat, Essence Break, and Eye Beam. That will look like this…

Fel Rush to gain Momentum
Throw Glaive down to as close to 0 charges as possible
Eye Beam to enter Demonic
Vengeful Retreat backward through the boss model to reactivate Initiative
Essence Break as you pass through the hitbox
Death Sweep

Other minor optimizations to keep in mind;

  1. If you can pair The Hunt with Initiative, make the attempt. It is a minor gain, but a gain, nonetheless
  2. Fodder to the Flame does not need to be specifically bursted down unless you are just about to enter a burst window
  3. Sigil of Flame can always be used at range to generate fury, or if you are running low and have no fury to spend
  4. Empower Throw Glaive with both Momentum and Initiative as much as possible

Not a 3-4 button class.

No, I don’t main a DH.


laughs in Priest

No, you’re just overly sensitive to banter, just saying.

It’s a good thing that I don’t have Fel Rush on this DH.

I disagree. DH with momentum is not easy and just as you mentioned its easy to run into fire and pull stuff. If you want to keep your momentum you gotta preposition and execute carefully with preplanned openers and rotation. I find Warrior much easier and i think im going to gear up my arms warrior all the way for 2nd pick.


I’d probably agree. Recent pvp nerfs helped our image a bit.

My key group still thinks ret pala has more hate, but maybe that’s just cause they played vanilla horde :joy:

Either way, just use fear sigil once mobs grouped (for deeps but tell them it’s to stop casts), spec into 45s aoe stun and kick on CD and we’ll be as loved as mages one day!

There’s some serious class hatred going on in here. Like, I get that momentum gets a few DH players doing some silly stuff at times, but y’all are just acting like every DH is some kind of angry retard.

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Yes people are trying to play it safe by saying -most- DH Its clearly still a generalized statement for the entirety of the DH playerbase but the mistake made is I would be willing to bet a LOT of those DH players also play other classes.

I play all classes mostly via leveling since its impossible to play it all to max difficultly in all content.

The DH player isnt just a DH player…like with any class. Some play one class…but most ppl play more than one.

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That wasn’t the point being made. The point is that it’s not a unique class and it hasn’t been so in a long time. You’ve zero reason to play one unless they do high numbers.

Naw just a strong class atm so people gonna cry its usally the ones who dont do much but whine the entire game like other classes havent been op before lol. Just let it go and move on once they get weaker people gonna cry less

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It’s also the fact mobility can mask a bad player

I’m pretty bad, but having 3 insta movements abilities (4 if you count meta - eat it spear of bastion) is waaaay easier to clear thundering or avoid sennarth mechs than any class that can only Dark Souls Fat Roll.

While the skill ceiling is pretty damn high this patch, the base class caters to a more casual lowest common denominator like me. Those classes will always get hate shrug

I did, they went from 3 buttons to keep a one button dot.

nothing you said there was about buttons mate.

Not sure what to tell you. DH’s have been pumping for a while now, even if the rotation was watered down to the state of being uninteresting.

Rogues can have literally 10+ stops per minute, this is priceless in dungeons. The amount of control you get is so useful. Plus shroud.

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DH was decent in one patch of shadowlands. 9.1. The rest they were low tier. even for fated raids.