Are DH the most hated class in WoW

Which was heavily nerfed, you argument is invalid

Blur? LOL Please

…Okay, Ill give you that one

… Our AoE and ST is good, I wouldnt call it the best

Which was nerfed.

So your saying were still three button?

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Had plenty of DH’ers when THEY MESS UP they instantly point a finger at someone else or leave the key calling everyone bad.

It’s always DH’ers… Rarely anyone else. Maybe a druid healer or 2 who can’t heal worth a damn but that’s something else.

I dislike them for the same reason I dislike a number if classes, and that’s because they’re just ridiculously mobile. That was kinda one of two big things going for rogues, now it’s just stealth.

Oh wait, hunters can basically do that with camoflauge now.

People need scapegoats for entertainment, projection of their own insecurities, and grouping/othering.

If you ever healed for a DH tank, you’d understand.

Yeah, except Rogues are legit the best class in PvE lmfao.

You tell em, its four now!

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Kind of rich coming from a Fury Warrior. Wouldn’t go throwing stones in your glass house.

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Most of them tend to act super toxic really fast in my M+ runs so yes.

That’s like every class. Wow is not a hard game.

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many people are stuck in BFA and are sucking on some copium these days.

Like this guy for example. Dude is QQing about a class with some of the most minimal defensives in the game lul.

now this is just straight up false. it is very important to line up essence break and eyebeam together and also take full advantage of FTTF. Don’t do these things and you will have a dps loss.

as for the OP I don’t experience much in-game. It’s mostly the forum dwellers that throw poop around. complaining about DH is so 4 years ago.


Weird. My DH in BFA had 40+ keybinds. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Demon Hunters


You’re just proving his point. Trying to bring some meaningless rating into your… “argument…” is delicious irony icing on the cake.

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It’s less that people hate the class, and more that people will stereotype based on their past experiences. The “everyone hates hunter” meme came about because of how often hunters would roll on literally everything in vanilla, and just generally be played by lowest common denominator types.

You see the same stereotype formed for DH, which is a pretty simplistic class mechanically, and has edgelord overtones, so gets played a lot by specific types of people, who leave very not good impressions on people.

If say, 3 out of 10 demon hunters I run into, are going to wrong me in some way, but only 1 out of 10 mages will. Evolution has created a strong impulse in most people to prefer the mage.

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Evokers overtaking both of you imo

Funny when someone is talking about high keys and the. Suddenly mention 10- 15s

Your statement isn’t even an argument. I’m countering his point by highlighting that rating equates to a player’s skill. Bad players can’t do high keys. I’m sure you’re one of those bad players, if not the same douche who was talking sht earlier.

Not a fan personally, but I haven’t gone to the extent of harassing someone over my personal dislike.

DH is a very “edgy” emo class oriented on not being appreciated enough, while simultaneously being appreciated in value in each expansion to top end damage. While their players also tend to have the ego of a dictator from a small country (from my experience, not always).

Its not always true to the T, but its more frequently experienced than say the hunter who booty pulls half the dungeon, or “accidentally” targets the boss and auto attacks. In fact I tend to see Demon Hunters Fel-Rush into holes or off cliffs quite frequently, or die outright to silly mechanics. Its impressive in some of the worst ways.

Other than stereotypes, I’ve met a few people who played DH and were pretty relaxed. They didn’t have anxiety inducing tendencies like jumping off a platform and gliding back onto it and repeatedly doing so as if driven by a nervous habit, or ADD/ADHD.

Yeah anyways, not a fan, old news, and I don’t care enough to bother someone over their preferences.

The ones that are relaxed and chilled out, they tend to be quite pleasant, generous and good people from my experience.

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