Are DH the most hated class in WoW

Nothing at all.
Just don’t find it very amusing that people have such little brain cells to name their character something like that.

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Nah, we have Evokers now.

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I’ve hated rogues the most for 18 years now and no blindfolded goobers gunna change that

I agree nerf DH!

leave me and my 4 buttons alone :frowning:

dies to trash


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yea no worries there my visually-impaired demony friend OP! rogues still exist.

day. ruined.

(I am j/k but man rogues really ruin my fun sometimes…)

Never had any “abuse” when on my Demon Hunter :thinking:

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I can’t imagine what it would take to get me to hate anything more than Paladins. But it would sure take a lot.

Faceroll class that made Momentum even more baseline, and since so many DHs suck at it they get a bad reputation. Overall, the DH populace lives up to their low skill stereotype.

The ones that are good utterly decimate, though. It doesn’t help that Havoc is overtuned in PvP.


The hat flowing through me sounds painful

Kung Lao says hello. Fatality!!!

You guys are basically Warlocks in fetish gear, so you basically took over for Warlocks as the most hated class.

These arguments are always just silly. I’ve played every spec of every class since prepatch, and I’ve leveled every class to 60 at least twice (3-4 times for some classes) and DH is no more braindead than most other classes / specs. Havoc is strong right now, and Veng is fine - but any warrior, rogue, warlock, dk, and several other classes calling DH too easy or OP is not paying attention to their own class.

As for havoc butt pulling, sure - but every class does that. That’s much more about poor dungeon experience than anything to do with momentum. If anything, havoc DH not butt pulling on EVERY pull should be seen as an indicator of skill…


Can we not lump people who actually know how to play their class with bad players?

I’ve never done any of these things on my DH.


I wonder what % of people could keep 3 stacks of Frenzy during an 8 minute boss fight.

My bet is maybe 30%.

I also wonder what % of people who say BM is ezimode realise this is a thing.

I hate all classes equally.

Except warlocks, those bots are the worst

Idk dhs are awesome when played right. Its just that most dh do accidental pulls when they vengeance retreat without looking where they will end up on or sometimes fel rush to melee range when they have the circle debuff that says stay away from others.

I play rogue on m+ and dh are awesome with their aoe stun and can do more damage than me when played right. The aoe stun is very valuable in this meta where every pack of mobs requires multiple interrupts

I dont dislike DH players in general, i do dislike the ones when they arent the most OP class that they do nothing but cry when they’ve been stellar most of their existence.

When you cant attack the argument attack the character lmao
Great response you owned him.

We are definitely not Three Button anymore