Are DH the most hated class in WoW

They’re 2 buttons now? Dang what a nerf.

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Did you just replied to the same post twice? my post really struck your nerves isn’t it?

This, but because people really don’t give a :poop: what people play.

You are right, but i think you are missing a very important thing though.

While DH might have gotten more “Complicated” they are far easier to play though, because the room for error is the size of a football stadium right now. A DH could play horribly, but they will still be dumping out bucket loads of damage to compensate for it.

Its why i said there are some very good DH players out there, but there are a lot of bad ones that are mostly carried by how forgiving the class can be, this along with them having an answer/counter to almost any ability/thing makes them very strong with out needing a lot of effort.

Beast mastery hunter says hello.

What do they have that makes them an answer to everything?

Could use some tuning sure.

Monk and Hunter also says hello.

I wouldn’t say they have the best AoE and single target as some are specs outperform Havoc DHs.

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You receive only a pale imitation of the hatred directed at actual Hunters. Only a shadow of the sun source that is the hatred directed at Hunters.

P.S. They hate Rogues too heh heh!

Probably. The haters can huff a fart for all I care.


COunter point, marksmen says hello, but i dont deny their are brain dead classes out there, hell fury warrior is one of them and i fully admit that.

Felrush, leaps, double jump, nether walk, darkness, stuns get outta CC free cards, able to detect stealth, Their tool kit is just amazing and their mobility is unmatched save for a few.

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Envy or resentment…

It’s just jealously, OP.

The seething has been hilarious since Legion’s release. Laugh at the peasants and move on.


Care to elaborate?

Even on say the ‘Easy mode’ non momentum build if they aren’t immediately Beam → EB → Blade dancing then it’s a huge damage loss.

That easy mode is less damage than what ‘OP’ demon hunters are using.

Please show me one DH that is just ‘killing it’ in damage by playing sub optimally. You’re making the claim right?

Now rightfully so I can choose to never barbed shot a mob other than my main target while maintaining frenzy stacks, as long as I do that and press multi shot every 6 seconds on mob packs my spec is literally a 3 button spec (with 2 CDs). Only major downside is unavoidable AoE damage hits us hard than other classes I’ve played.

I haven’t copped nearly as much hate as them beamie bois.


It’s more than Hunters now … just see the response when a DH speaks up in a BG. The insults come in from all corners like a flood

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They’re probably just afraid of you. Take it as a sign of respect.

Dina is my family member, actually.

We have 4 buttons now just so u know.


A great DH is pure evil to face… But I don’t PvP anymore so, eh…

I didn’t like their skillset. Felt weird after Death Knight and other more traditional tanks.

Threebutton branching out of the DH forums, wow

Within my friend group, not so much. Funnily enough, most of my friends hate warriors and druids more.

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there are hard classes? lol


What’s wrong with being gay?