Are casters allowed anything?

I hate playing melee and almost always play casters. I’ve been maining this mage since 2005. I’m delighted that Blizzard is FINALLY coming out with a new ranged dps class and I’m looking forward to playing an Evoker.

That said, I do still wish Dracthyr had a melee dps or a tank option as a third spec.

One of the points of “being able to play a dragon” is to feel like you’re a dragon. Being able to fight like one would greatly help this feeling.

In virtually all fantasy, dragons are depicted as fearsome melee combatants fighting with tooth and claw and defended by their scale armor. This is true for WoW as well. All dragons previously depicted in WoW fight primarily with melee attacks.

Dracthyr look like dragons. They have teeth and claws. They’re fairly big. But they do not have the option of actually fighting like dragons. Spellcasting is their only option.

It seems strange to have a race look so suited to melee combat be completely unable to engage in melee.


I agree, add a ranged dps DH spec! I want to throw glaives around like chakrams in Outward while blasting stuff with fel magic.


Sure, but they’ve also said they are working on easing class/race restrictions in the future, DH might be involved in that, so this is a literal non-issue.


Wait so a race being able to be multiple classes would make people think more races should be added to a class?

Not making sense on that one, and the longer they wait to open it up the less likely it will ever happen at all.

Now i’m even more confused is people asking for more DH races a good or bad thing? like if its a non-issue then based on your own logic dracthyr with more classes would be a non issue.

if we are drowining in them now that would mean we are equally drowning in ranged at this point we only have a difference of 1 after evoker.


It’s a non-issue because you can be all 3 roles and both types of dogs on both BE and NE. Drakthyr are a different story, and it’s absolutely an issue.


Have you considered that everyone can get what they want because it’s a video game?


Like people get worked up over the silliest things.

Like whether or not Evoker can be melee or ranged means anything at all to Mages.

Like be serious already.

Like liking likes

I want a Necromancer class however Blizzard has confirmed that’s never happening especially with a lot of Necromancy spells being give to Death Knight so yeah :dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

Yes in fact I like purposely add the word like as much as possible like proof reading all posts and like adding in like wherever like possible

But seriously just how I like talk don’t know why please send help

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Yeah, the spell effects are really bad other than like two blue abilities and deep breath–which is really clunky to use ftr. The sound design is good but like you said, the fire doesn’t even look like fire.

The gameplay just feels off. I think the empower spells throw off the cadence of the spec. I really do not like them personally.

Nice experiment I guess but for me, at least, it was a failure.

I just hope they open Dracthyr up to other classes at some point. I love the dracthyr, just not evoker.

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You’re kind of proving Beaupeep’s point right than defusing it …

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Personally I think we should step away from 2 spec classes, when I see 2 spec classes I automatically think, “Wow, is that really all they could come up with?, did they run out of time?”.

In regards to Evoker, I’m in love finally having a new caster and healer (more excited about preservation Evoker) to play, but having this unique race/class just limited to Dps/Heals seems bad, they could of made the Dracythr have the trifecta of roles while staying true to the Dracythr aesthetics of filling in the gap of the missing dragon aspect, Black focusing on Tanking and Defensive abilities plus with the additional change of receiving Bloodlust it be the only Tank to have that utility being truely unique.

While yes I’m happy because I only play casters and healers, but I always feel like they could have done more, so I understand those who have complaints.

I think the more we accept 2 specs the more we will see less and less coming in the future.


Honestly would of been interesting to see like an off healer dps spec like a dps that actually benefits from helping the healer with healing somehow be new, unique and still maintain that caster focus

But like imagining it using like green and red aspects to deal damage and off heal

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It definitely would be, but seeing how Blizzard these days handle balance, I think it be a nightmare for them to find the sweet spot of a class with decent dps and healing.

Plus I really think they’ve gotten truely comfortable how their game is and stepping outside that box doesn’t seem like a thing they like to do…

It’s taken 18 years for them to finally try a hold/charge system that the Evokers just gotten…

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Has more to do with how it’s weird that a dragon has no melee spec.


Ignore that, they also confirmed classic wasn’t happening :laughing: You keep asking for what you want.

A dragon tanking spec would have been fun.

If you play warrior. You have an artifact weapon based on Dearthwings’ scales.

The fact that the new race has no tanking options is largely dissapointing.

The new class/race combos also dont include new tanks. Lightforged , worgen and goblin brewmasters. Or night elf paladins, hmt paladin, or just stuff lije wildhammer druids, undead kul tiran druids and shamans etc.

The only positive is cross faction lets you play more races. But its not like cross faction guilds are a thing yet for progression guilds.

You see prot paladins also feel worse to play with the avengers shield changes.

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considering all the time it takes them to fix ONE talent tree in the alpha, I’d say yes, it is.
The more pointless / repetitive specs we have, the longer balance patches will take.

For all we know they wanted to add the tank spec, but then were like, “nope… too much money.”

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Restrictive lore is crap.

By that dent Blood Elves shouldn’t have gotten Warriors as a class.

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If Blizzard actually listened to us we’d at least have a tank spec.

Guess they don’t care.

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