Are casters allowed anything?

I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking, but if you’re asking if I would want ranged and healer specs if things were reversed then the answer is yes, yes I would, because it is my strong belief that Dragons should have all four roles available.


I mean, same with Shade of Aran/Shade of Medivh, mages don’t need a melee spec either.

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This is where you lost me. We absolutely need more tanks… Adding a tank spec would have been good for the game. DPS are a dime a dozen.


A monk channeling chi spells offensively from a distance makes perfect sense. Way of the Serpent it could be called. How does that not make sense?

It’s like no one thinks about dragonball z. Plus Chi spells is a great use of the new charging mechanic.


Adding another specialization doesn’t remove anything.

That’s not how this works.



I completely agree lol. Another healer and ranged dps even out the ratio just a little bit

You know how right now, melee and tank players are missing out on the feeling of looking forward to trying out the new class and getting excited about it? Think that, except casters have been feeling that since DKs were announced for WotLK.

Honestly, it’s because they’re dragons.

It’s weird that a literal dragon race can’t be a melee character and the race with hard scales to protect them can’t be a tank.

I doubt there’d be as much animosity if they could be other classes like Monk or Rogue, where people could fulfill their “Dragon who fights with their claws” fantasy.

It’s not so much Evokers can’t be tank/melee as Dracthyr can’t be.

(There definitely would still be some people made at Evokers not being tank/melee, but not nearly as many)


Sure, its reasonable to have a opinion that we need more ranged but…here’s the issue, a Dragonflight-made race solely based on the 5 dragonflights, FIVE. A few that can help heal, or cause destruction, and guess who made these Dracthyr? The very dragon we finished off long ago who is a flying tank. You can’t even tell me that there’s no way that someone with the name “Earth Warden” can’t give something with good intentions before he turned bad without something to take heavy hits…

Evoker alone needs a third/tanking spec. If not, they need other classes too. While it is fine to let it slide and make it as a excuse that these dracthyr are exposed to the world for the first time and learning but it be a poor move to not give them ways to become other classes. They have learned nothing since they woke up other than what they looked into books. The whole concept with them is they’re finding their own individuality ever since they realized they were leaderless.

I understand to not have new classes but not giving them existing classes is another problem for Dracthyr if it isn’t provided.


I would be ok with evokers being caster / healer only if drakthyr could be warriors or shamans or something.

Like don’t lock the race to just one class.


It needs neither of those things.

Those are taken by DH, so Dracs don’t need to do either.

Evokers are the literal “anti-DH” class.

If the race’s physical appearance has anything to do with whether they can be a tank or not, gnomes, goblins and vulpera should not be able to be DKs, warriors or brewmasters. It’s all dismissed by handwavery.

You make an interesting point. Without spoiling anything, it’s as if they’re fighting fire with fire.

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Demon Hunters did us a favor… metamorphosis was only ever added to Demonology in Wrath because people complained about not getting Demon Hunters in BC… Demon Hunter class fantasy was FORCED on us for 4 entire expansions because Blizzard didn’t want to actually add Demon Hunter as an actual class… Legion rectified that AND gave us BACK our original identity.


If they did that, people would then be screaming “See? Dracs can be other things, why can’t other things be DH now?”

That’s where your line of thinking leads, and Blizzard may not want that yet. They may be trying to “shake down” both the race AND the class before they decide whether to let them “be other things” just yet.

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I’ve only played it a tiny bit, but Devastation feels like…a worse mage. Might just be me but I’d like to know how others feel. The spells also don’t look very cool. The “fire” doesn’t even look like fire.

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Yeah we’re drowning in melee specs as it is.

If evokers get additional specs I’d like to see it be something truly unique and rare. I’m thinking ranged physical-magical hybrid, since physical ranged is even more rare than magical ranged. It’d be something like a ranged version of shaman enhancement with a bit more emphasis on spellcasting.

18 years later and WoW has the same number of ranged specs as it did on launch.
But oh Lordy, the new spec doesn’t have a Tank / Melee, how will they cope.


The non separation of the Evoker class and Drakthyr is the problem.

If I want to be a BE or NE, DH isn’t my only choice of class.

Hard scales isn’t just appearance. All those tiny races who can tank use armor for the same effect in most tank classes, (and booze in the case of monks)