Are casters allowed anything?

while i don’t especially mind that Evokers can’t be tanks, it would certainly have been interesting if Blizzard included it as the first ranged tank spec. No idea how something like that would work, though…

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Every class that’s been added has a dps spec, why do we need that? :roll_eyes:

If you wanna go with that logic.

I said nothing about tanks, by the way.

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No, every class that’s been added has had a melee DPS spec. The point of this thread was about casters. We’ve never had a ranged DPS class added into the game up until now.

If this was about DPS classes in general, I’d agree with you.

Okay, well OP was specifically referring to the complaints about the lack of a melee DPS/tank spec with evokers, so maybe the person who misunderstands the point here is you.

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Melee dps isn’t a tank.

At least try a little before you come at me with nothing.

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Bro what are you talking about?

What is not clear here? Explain it to me.

That’s my line.

You done?

Basically “I don’t have an argument so I’m just going to dismiss your points and find someone else who is easier to argue with.”

Depending on setting dragons range from Pure Casting Powerhouses capable of casting magic normally limited to the gods to The biggest-baddest, roughest-toughest, all around beefcake powerhouses. In some cases both in the same sentence. It’s totally fine for blizz to pick one end of the spectrum to start with here.

You were wrong and I corrected you. End of discussion. /shrug

You didn’t correct anything. You decided to pick apart my word choice in lieu of an actual argument. Melee dps, tank, whatever. Why do you need another one when we’ve had three classes introduced all with melee dps and tank specs?

Are you going to answer that question or are you going to continue missing the point of this thread?

My thoughts from the video

  1. Mortal races clearly existed and had done enough for Neltharion to want to warrant their inclusion.
  2. Dragonkin exist we have seen some use weapons and others not, so weapons are not unknown to dragon kind most likely. Since Dragonkin weren’t enough to sway the war it stands to reason the primalist might have had lesser foot soldiers as well.
  3. We clearly can see they didn’t spend their whole lives in the starting zone, so what encounters could have been had?

I’ve fought a lot of wow dragons and they are almost always standing on the ground right in front of me for most of the fight.

The “we got shafted in the past so you should get shafted now” argument is one of the worst in history.


What about in EoE? :joy: You’re flying around doing massive damage.

Just because you didn’t get a spec for your preferred role doesn’t mean you got “shafted.” It just means it’s not your turn to get a new spec.

You guys have literally gotten 3 tank specs and 4 melee dps specs (2 of which came with a single class) over the course of 18 years. I’m 100% certain it’s not the last time you will get a spec either, unless WoW goes under in the next 5+ years or so. I don’t really understand why you can’t just shrug it off and move on.


Why is it that everyone keeps looping Melee/tank into one group like tanks only melee ( I mean a lot of them do but it’s more of an alts are a pita versus gearing two specs.) but never the other way like I enjoy ranged on dps but also love to tank. Right now that means playing my least favorite ranged dps or having 2 classes going (and again alting this expac has sucked)

Unga bunga us versus them


And there’s no reason for them not to have given everyone something they could enjoy.

Because this is the only time Blizz has added a new race that can’t be melee/tank. I have no problem with the Evoker class being restricted, but the new race is probably the biggest new feature of the expansion and it’s DOA to a ton of players for no good reason.


There is absolutely reason. It’s calling balancing and ensuring that the optimal amount of resources are committed to certain parts of the game.

And if someone is somehow incapable of enjoying a new ranged DPS spec, I fail to see how that falls on Blizzard. It’s not like you opted into melee DPS when you started playing the game and can now only play melee DPS.

WoW has 12 classes with 36 specs split amongst all of them. People are already complaining about balancing issues within the already established specs, and you want them to add another?

It’s not DOA to them. I really fail to see how someone’s self-imposed restrictions on what they play is somehow Blizzard’s responsibility to appease. Blizzard added evokers for everyone to enjoy, not just people who prioritize ranged DPS.

Well the the ranged only folks have no reason to have been complaining all these years either.


Yeah, you’re right. I agree with you, but we’re not talking about that right now. We’re talking about people complaining about melee dps and tanks not getting a new spec.