Are casters allowed anything?

Except, you know, if they gave Evokers a Tank spec, you’d be able to finally armor stack mail. It’d make gearing easier for everyone involved.

Being some weird caster purist with this is a strange hill to die on.

Sure, I have. Doesn’t mean I don’t want a tank spec for Evoker, though. Not my problem that you don’t like melee/tanks.


The irony is he wants the world to revolve around him by not having it have a melee/tank option.

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Why does this issue have to be a zero sum game? Why would Dracthyr getting other classes or Evoker getting melee specs take anything away from casters getting something new? I don’t have any skin in this, but I really don’t get why other players getting something new takes away from casters getting anything.

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I don’t disagree here entirely, though it was 2 races. But also those 2 races had other class options available.

I get what you’re saying but I think this is a bit reductive in regards to what my initial point was. Blizzard themselves have said they have a different philosophy about this. And that’s my real issue. The Dev’s are saying they want to provide more variety of choice in gameplay/style etc… but then they do this with the Dracthyr.

Also, I think the Zandalari are a great example of why I think the Dracthyr/Evoker decision is a bad one. Had blizzard not given Zandalari trolls paladin and Kul Tirana’s druids and mages, they would have massively poisoned the community towards them.

Also, I have no problem with the Dracthyr being the only race to be Evoker. I have no problem with Evoker being ranged and a hero class.

I have a problem with Blizzard introducing a new race that is considered a core part of the fantasy genre and decide to cheap out on the design.

Name 1 Race in WoW that can’t fill every roll in the MMO trinity?

Demon Hunter is a class… but NE and BE aren’t limited to only tank/melee specs.
Evoker is a class… But Blizzard wants to make a Race Dracthyr, limited to one type of spec. The fact that it’s also the dragon race makes it even worse.

It would be like making Orcs only be warriors, and Humans only rogues. No one would be ok with this. Why defend such a horrible idea both for the integrity of the game and the business model?

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Well, it’s hot out there and casters are allowed to wear nice sun dresses, while some of us are stuck in leather, plate, and mail armor.

It’s not about ranged not getting a new class. It’s about Dracthyr not being able to melee/tank.

Blizzard intentionally started a narrative where the Race DRACTHYR is confused with the class EVOKER.

Do you think this thread would exist if Dracthyr could be Warriors, Monks, Rogues, Paladins, or Death Knights?

I’ve seen a ton of people make this distinction, but the group that is defending less new options in the game seem to just glaze over that piece.

Please can someone give any example of a RACE that can’t be a ranged spec? Anyone… crickets… cuz it doesn’t exist.


Gnomes couldn’t heal until Cata. So maybe Dracthyr will have to wait 5 or so years to get a tank option?

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But are you opposed to Dracthyr getting Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, Shaman, Death Knight or Monk?

But is this a good thing….? Oh man that’s so bad I forgot about that. I’m really hoping it doesn’t go down like that. I’m already disappointed that we’re not getting DH on some of the other races.

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It seems like a weird, tribalistic thing to be upset about that classes have more melee specs than ranged. It’s weird that one’s identity should be so wrapped up in the distance at which your abilities function.

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How’s that being selfish? Nobody’s asking to take Drakthyr ranged/heal specs away.

BE and NE. 2 races. And both of those races can be tanks/Melissa on other classes. Drakthyr don’t have that option.

No , it’s not, but they’d rather see others suffer like they did than try to have a better game for everyone going forward.

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Each faction has one option. So in practice, its the same.

As a horde player, I have 1 option for evoker. I have 1 option for demon hunter.

I’m glad you didn’t crit me with some kind of “Melissa” class zinger after that typo I left lol.

As a BE player, you have all 3 roles open. As a Drakthyr, you don’t. Key difference.


But I am not a BE player.

This entire hypothetical is about creating limits on what you play, and how because of those self imposed limits it “devalues” the expansion.

It started with the statement along the lines of “if a person is only a tank player, then dragonflight is devalued because evokers cant be tanks”.

The entire point I was trying to make is that every single time a new class or race was introduced, there were always people with self imposed limits that may have “lost out” on something new being introduced. That this is not new, and every new spec doesn’t need to have every role. If anything, tanks have had it too kindly with new classes.

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In reference to you comparing DH and only having BE as an option.

This is the largest “lost out” in terms of a new race being added, impacting people who aren’t being very restrictive with their limits, they just want to play half the roles in the game.

It’s not about the Evoker class. Seriously, this isn’t a difficult concept. Race and class are not the same thing.


Sadly it seems to be for some. And worse there are those who have loudly professed their wish to never open it up. But my favorite now is seeing all the “lore” reasons for the one class thing fall apart in the actual lore now.

I believe Ion said dracthyr might have a third spec in the future was only to placate the people wishing their uwu dragon could tank, yet they would never tank in the first place.

Leave it caster only for the love of all things holy.

Dracthyr = Race
Ion has said they would be open to the idea of the race having more classes.

I don’t believe there are any real plans to add specs anytime soon.

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And monks for the using claw and breath fantasy.

They’d have to add melee abilities to the core skill set and have to balance the range and melee skills together at the base level. So it can possibly very well take away from the casters.

Any dragon fantasy for that can be covered via monk or warrior class being available to dracthyr.

This is correct, a spec to evokers would, but additional classes would not.

This totally sounds like a you issue. Also what you said don’t make sense. The goal of a businessman is to get as many customers as possible, not purposely or lazily cut out potential customers. This could also lead to a host of legal issues to in the business world that is not relevant to the thread.

Every race can be warriors or another tank class except dracthyr though. this don’t make sense.

Also heard of a recent interview “Every race will be every class” thing?

I think a new class for mail tanking would be better, something more races can do. Maybe spellbreakers/spell blades? Ya know, something designed for melee then to the “dragon aspect class”

The world don’t revolve around you pumpkin. Don’t toss insults to people.

Classes won’t take from casters, evoker specs can and will by adding more base skills that needs to be balanced with the current specs.

It’s kinda hypocritical, people demands all current classes to be on all races despite lore not fitting it, but they are ok with dracthyr only being evokers because of lore. Gotta choose one or the other folks lol.

Evoker is the class. Yes we can leave it as a caster.

The race though, might as well don’t exist if it never get more classes.