cause it’s really hard to ignore what is going on.
Alliance AR’s are the least played/least popular… Horde ARs are the most played/most popular. KT’s and MG’s are just not played (probably for aesthetic biases of players)
Horse recolours vs new mounts.
Negative statements made by lead developers at Blizzcon (“You’re welcome, Alliance”)
Really obvious low effort questing zones (Quillboars etc)
Obvious trolling of the HElf community by lead devs making hugely Horde-centric statements “The Horde is waiting for you”
that free chopper mount/popularity contest Blizzard rigged for the Horde.
How is it possible there are no self identified Alliance loyalists on the dev team? NOT ONE. They ALL play Horde. And they never seem to hire Alliance-centric devs?
This is just 5 off the top of my head. I think the Battle For Azeroth is the Blizzard supported/Horde centric development team purposefully making design choices to win the faction war.
My 2 cents.
BTW: I play both factions at max level but I call em like I see em. And the devs hatred toward the Alliance is pretty obv.
Oh my god… Just stop. Alliance was the more popular faction for 60% of the games life how do devs have a hatred for alliance? You’re acting like they want to assassinate half their players. Stop being so dramatic
Eh, I agree. Void elfs are the most played ar though.
I mean we get horses and recolors all the time, I would like to see how much “new” mounts horde has gotten vs how much horses alliance has gotten.
aww boo hoo how can you live like this, they said you’re welcome they are at war and want to kill you all.
LOL is this fr?
Trolling? It is completely true. Alliance were asking for a horde race, they responded accordingly.
whuf… As if there wasn’t enough eye-rolling nonsense in that post, you had to drag up this, of all things? Hate to break it to you, but Horde can’t even get that chopper anymore.
Dark Iron Dwarves trump all other ARs. Stop being salty over the foxes and realize your grass is green too.
That bee mount is an odd-looking horse.
The Alliance runner-up is still available for purchase to this day, while the Horde mount is no longer obtainable. Seems to me like the Alliance won in the long run.
It hasn’t been as bad as it was at the start of the expansion. I think it might have been an unconscious effort on the part of the devs. They got called out pretty hard at the beginning of the expansion and seem to have reformed a bit.
Oh come on. I play both factions. The whole game is Horde centric. There are NO developers who MAIN Alliance. How can they possibly represent the Alliance faction when absolutely NO developers want to play Alliance?
And how does that happen, btw… absolutely no Alliance developers are ever hired at Blizzard since Ghostcrawler? I dunno, man.
I will concede that Drustvar is perhaps the best questing zone in the entire game. But those Quillboars in Stormsong and the random Horde attack at Bren is SO LOW EFFORT.