Are Blizzard devs 'at war' with the Alliance?

they did that back in 2007


lawl this :rofl:


Gets it.
Blizzard is BLATANTLY in favor of all things horde.


yes playing alliance gives you a 5% nerf to dmg health etc


(Commentary): This boils down to the Devs being out of touch with their players. It happens on both side of the fence. The Alliance might’ve got bad Allied Races, but do you think any Horde players were itching to play Warchief Roulette again, and a rehash of MoP’s faction conflict?

(Commentary): I chalk this up to unimaginativeness and possibly a lack of time. They rushed BFA.

(Commentary): Ehhh… I’d say this is aimed less at Alliance players, and more for the enjoyment of Horde players.

(Commentary): Drustvar takes the prize as best leveling zone in all of BFA.

(Commentary): I honestly think Ion doesn’t get too involved in stuff outside of raiding, and just has to defend whatever is in the game if he gets asked about it. This kind of goes back to that earlier point where it’s less aimed at Alliance players, and more there for Horde players to enjoy. I think even Ion knew the logical fallacy since the Nightborne were made Horde.

(Commentary): I doubt it was rigged. It had legally binding principles to it, which is why Horde players can’t even get their mount anymore.


The game story wise has to be horde centric because if you even step a LITTLE bit outside of the alignment lawful good for the alliance, alliance players lose their minds that the fairy tale white knight faction they choose might be a little morally grey. They start complaining they didn’t choose the “evil” faction and cry and moan which leads to you guys getting no interesting stories.


(Commentary): There’s no reliable source anymore. My point is, saying the Void Elves are the most popular Allied Race isn’t something that can be backed up anymore. People might be better off saying they’re the Alliance’s most popular Allied Race, but saying they’re the most popular outright no longer holds true, and every time someone says it, I’ll bring up the Vulpera.

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yup. There are many times the alliance has done morally gray or down right wrong stuff but they say its out of character while also whining saying they want more morally gray story lines :thinking:


velf’s, and did’s are pretty cool, but the other 3 are a complete embarrassment. especially fat humans, and diaper gnomes.


They’re definitely close, but I think alliance high elves are probably more popular than furries


I want a real human male paladin king who hates every horde race and wants to drive them to extinction in the name of defending the alliance. That would be interesting and not unjustified at all. Trollbane did nothing wrong


We got 3 reskins, beefy trolls and furries not much better


Have to agree with you I like the alliance aesthetic better but the horde is overwhelmingly blizzard’s favorite. It’s better to just switch sides blizzard will never come around they will produce things like Anduin Wrynn good lord what a bad character!


(Commentary): I imagine that might be true come Shadowlands, but for now at least, I think Vulpera may be more popular.

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It does seem that players favor the horde, but I doubt that was intended by the game designers. I have a ton of gripes with blizzard, but at the end of the day I would imagine that they are out to do a profitable job most of the time. It doesn’t sound like a smart policy to purposly try and make one faction way less appealing than the other.

I was a die hard horde vs alliance guy 15 years ago, but the faction system is just outdated and cumbersome now. They should just do a time jump during/after SL, combine the factions in some way and make it possible for people to use all FPs, towns and NPCs, and just make instanced content a combined thing (e.g. in BG’s you would just be assigned a random team).


Lol he is terrible, blizzard writing in general is just trash thinking of sylvanas’s story just gives me a headache


Yrel, the Light is calling you here…

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it is unfortunate that everything with the alliance is played so safe

i don’t think it has anything to do with favoritism or anything like that, i just don’t think the writers are able to make do with what they have

especially now that anduin has been… compromised… he’s either going to continue to be the most bland character ever written or ascend to something untouchable like thrall and have to go away for story progression


greymane would make an infinitely better and cooler leader of the alliance. cursed man with a vendetta? much more interesting


Well, the Alliance ARE far-right conservatives who enslaved and continue to discriminate against the horde races.