Are batttlegrounds actualy dead?

I’ll often sit there and queue three different things at once. If one of those things is an epic, the epic always pops first.

Yes they are. Epic random bgs are spoiled by premades don’t deflect that fact.


Yeah I’m enjoying Blitz but I’ve lost the last 3 in a row :frowning:

I know im the common denominator here but when the game comes to an end its usually me and one other dps at the top of dmg/killing blows followed by all the opposing teams dps then the rest of our dps doing maybe 50% of the dmg of their team’s average. (Yes I do play to objectives )

Kinda annoying lol

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I recently got back to WoW PvP since Legion and I’ve never seen Alliance win once in my over 10+ EBGs this week. The same applies to BG and Blitz. PvP isn’t fun anymore, especially me being a Priest and getting stunned for over 5 minutes. Once my sub ends, I’m back to playing Final Fantasy XIV which offers more than anything Blizzard throws out.


yea I’m gonna replay GOW & GOW ragnarok + DLC for a while, maybe a dark souls 3 playthrough & new elden ring playthrough (may just go NG+) for the DLC coming up. I have 0 faith in Microsoft. none of their games are good & have 0 success with any PvP titles. if I were a betting man…but could be wrong!


all these people quitting and my mailbox is empty.
can i have your stuff?


CC is out of control and DRs seem to be non-existent. However, since blizzard decided to make arenas an Esport, so long as things are balanced there, they don’t care how it negatively impacts BGs.

“Oh, you lost complete control or movement of your character with numerous stuns, silences/disarms, fears and roots all in a row? TS”


Shadowlands took care of bgs. Enjoy.

Bfa was 2min wait for all levels at anytime lol. I guess the removal of scaling isnt what the pvpr base wanted lul.


and yet SO MANY PPL FOUGHT WITH ME about it when i said it wouldnt be good !!! moral of the story here is be careful what you wish for , you just might get it .

The last few days my 15 man random BGs have been like 5 hunters, 4 mages, 4 demon hunters, and 2 MW monks.
I see multiple hunters cleaving entire groups down with combos coming out of camo.
Boring to fight the same classes on repeat, but it’s pretty boring to fight anything in a BG right now.

Meanwhile, if you’re not a hunter, the combat experience is annoying. Takes ages to burn through defensive cooldowns and healing, and you often need to do that multiple times to take down a single player.
It’s too hard to kill players even if they have no idea what they are doing. Single button press full immunities are becoming the norm for defensive design.

I have had at least 10 decently matched team flag map BGs end in a draw recently with flag carriers surviving full stacks with 2 healers bombing them on both teams.
Before that, I could probably count on one hand how many times I have seen a BG end in a draw, and I’ve been spamming random BGs in this game for a long time.

Dead? No.
Boring? A little bit.

Even in RBG, I played against a team with 3 MW and a guardian. Full stacks, but the cocoon and revival rotation was granting immortality to this bear. We won that match with 1 second left on the clock because they jumped off the roof and took a bunch of falling damage. Damage reduction defensives do not work against falling damage. :stuck_out_tongue:

It was bound to happen when the lead dev only cares about reputation and M+. There is some weird kind of hatred towards pvp’ers and casuals from that faction of sweaties.


Honestly can’t remember the last time a Blue posted here.

And no new BG since the end of Legion isn’t helping their case.

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Solo players are getting tired of queing into premades in reg bgs. So the playerbase is dieing


This is the mega-indicator to me that the casual bgs community is deader than a doornail… There’s like 3 main premade teams now… I said up above that 5 - 10 years ago, I could play 20+ epics on a Saturday and never see the same name twice on our team or opposing team. The fact that horde pugs are now facing Bearyy/Auggy premades literally 11 times in a row around midnight server shows that the community has been totally annihilated… One would think that 10 years ago, Horde pugs would be facing Auggy premades like once every 5 - 10 games… not literally 11 games in a row… Thats a HUGE red flag and indicator of the dwindling community…


after the 12th beary premade in a row last night, i just threw up my hands and gave up. from 10 pm west coast time and on there is literally only one game running now since this single premade has driven horde away enmass. such baloney.

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Seems as though it does not matter which faction I play - the pugs I join usually meet up against a pre-made…Yeah fun times.

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I recommend playing Blitz. I can’t do random or epic battlegrounds anymore due to the premades.


That’s the damn truth. I’d rather blitz all night than que into that crap.


It’s hard now as healer in bgs, flag carry maps are trash because of the debuff and usually that’s when a rogue or hunter comes into the picture. Damage anymore is atrocious to heal through, rets using bubble to push offense with no damage mitigation, stupid PvP pots that increase damage by 30%, the micro cc, trinket is pointless majority of the time.

I think all the micro cc needs pruned, trinket should make you immune to cc for a duration, give healers a buff in bgs like berserker.