Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

“Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”


So nothing?

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Quite a lot, actually.

People have been asking for heroic and mythic level gear all of 9.1.


Gotta admit I have a lot of concerns about the removal of the PvP trinket vers bonus and tier sets in PvP. Might be a truly awful season- especially early on, before PvP players that don’t raid can convert conquest pieces to tier.

omg, I thought your character was female this whole time LOL.

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Yeah, I get that a lot. Not sure why. :sob:


I’ll still be working on unlocking covenant cosmetics, so gathering up anima and (un)grateful offerings for that will still be my main overarching project.

(Hey, Blizzard, it’d be nice if this character who has bought all he can buy with (un)grateful offerings could send some of the 400+ (un)grateful offerings he has to one of my alts that can use them.)

Do you have the mog from Korthia dailies for all the covenants? I have Night Fae & Kyrian wrapped up but still need a few more pieces from Necro & Venthyr.

Also need the Venthyr & Reliwik mounts. Looks like I’ll still be going back to Korthia every day even in 9.2.

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I think all vulpera are kinda similar looking, so maybe that’s why


I have the Korthia sets for all four factions.

I’ve still got to finish:
Kyrian plate and leather sets
Nightfae cloth and plate recolor sets
Necrolords cloth, leather recolor and mail recolor sets
Venthyr mail recolor, plate and leather sets

same thing Im doing now…NOT playing SLs content for anything more than a few baubles I want.

So you say.

During Legion we were told by many raiders that they raid for the challenge and the camaraderie. During BfA the story shifted to “Which is the fastest way to gear up?” and “When I’ve got my bis gear I’m done for the patch.” I pointed this out in the forums. A raider told me that gear is everybody’s motivation. Anybody who said it wasn’t was lying.

Or maybe in a tiny atypical minority.


Apparently the concept of a power progression MMORPG based off of gear is too much for you. You must be new to this sort of game if you think leveling up in levels or gear is meaningless.

And I never said otherwise. In fact, I specifically said that the gearing paths we have for solo players are perfect. Korthia was great.

I’m sorry you feel the need to act sanctimonious over a video game. :rofl:

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Ridiculous. A raid guild that stops raiding is a raid guild that dies.


Until you’ve rolled and played vulperas, you may not recognize the difference between males and females. It also depends on the style of the gear and how it fits. But that doesn’t show on a forum avatar.

In BfA a fair number of raiders also told us that after getting their full clear the raid team went on break for the rest of the patch, rather than keep farming.


Well the question should be, why did you expect this content update to be any different then all the others we have had over the last 3 expansions?

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I want a vulpera, just for that super cute mount. But I can’t be asked to put in the time or effort to unlocking them.

And I agree with the rest of your message.

Oh, I’m sure. I just doubt they’re around any longer.

I get a lot of raiders knocking on our door trying to get in, I’ve heard all the stories about why their previous guild died. And it’s generally the same mistakes that guilds keep making over, and over, and over again. This is one of them.