Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Shadowlands legendaries feel like way worse versions of destiny exotics. Especially since most of the powers are old abilities or talents that were taken away and basically given back to us via a gold grind.

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Yeah right, there is no new zone. Just unsub until whenever. (:

i don’t know. i don’t really mind it, tbh. i think legendaries should be weapons, not armor, but I’m just playing the game at this point.


That would have been nice. Like crafting mourne blades like legion artifacts.

Its strange how you cant even craft weapons of decent ilvl.


I am a totally casual solo player who hasn’t bought Shadowlands and only does old content. There’s a lot of us out there who aren’t playing current content, a fair number of whom bought the expansion and then moved out of it.

Not strange at all. They want weapons to be rare.


They are a big contributor to your damage on melee specs. Huge chunk of stats for casters.


Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.


I can never understand this , so you kill a world mob in 0.25 seconds instead of 0.3 ???

Sul is the only one of my 40 odd toons that does dungeons and raids , rest just do world content and never have a problem. Gear should be fit for purpose , and it mostly is in wow. you have your own gearing path.

Also I will never understand why people need to be rewarded for everything they do . Playing and having fun is all the reward you need . I would still raid even if there was no rewards on killing bosses . People are just way to shallow these days - everyone gets a trophey

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It got removed because of teh outcry from teh solo players saying it was “too hard” and the timer sucks because we cant wait 10 minutes between each pull so that we can use hero every time etc.

When the timer went so did the gear

Because it makes them feel like the time they invested was appreciated by the makers of the game, rather than wasted on pointless activities that reward nothing.

Sure you would. Sure we believe you. Feel free not to raid since gear feels pointless to you.

How about: “I want my sweet loot and I deserve it, but you deserve nothing and should be playing for love of the game only, and of course to pay for development of my content. Because I deserve that and you need to respect me for that.”

How about your post makes zero sense. You’re the only raider who claims not to like gear.


I still might not be level 60.

I accidentally 57 just turning in Lucky Charm Bracelet to the rulers!!! :relaxed:

I’m working towards getting thingies for the Love Boat, the one thing I don’t have from this event (and the x-45 heartbreaker, of course, :wink: )

Then I’m 84 of 90-100 reps (across two characters) and working towards the next mount achievement too.

No, I’ve played Wow that way for 18 years! :wink: So I remember that it is exactly like those! Other players are “Dungeon Dressing” and make for a more realistic Auction House!

40 person raiding, in Vanilla, kind of really soured me on group stuff. I would spend all evening in a raid, with 40 other players, to get JACK SQUAT. Gradually the game started rewarding solo play more. By the time the game had pretty good epics from small group stuff I was used to soloing and getting the gear I could that way.


I said I would raid even if tehre was no rewards , not not raid because gear is poitless.

In actual fact I raid every week for no reward with my guild as there is nothing I need from the normal mode we do - I raid because its FUN

Well we don’t live in the times of 40 player raids anymore, go do a 10 man raid with a guild - you’ll get plenty of loot now. No reason to have that excuse in 2022.

Just as said–shallow , every one gets a trophy menatllity that stuffing up both teh world of warcraft and teh real world as well

Well I’ll be playing Destiny 2 Witch Queen and enjoying my Birthday so maybe depends on how good the DLC is compared to the eternal suffering of WoW Shadowlands

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I just wish for the days I could feel like I’m allowed to turn on warmode or queue for a battleground again. Haven’t PvPed at all in Shadowlands because the gear non-champion three pillars players are allowed to get will just get us crushed in them.

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Oh imagine of it did. The unnerfed ones that they released dropping 259 gear would have been legendary.

No,just do as we normal do,nothing really changed.More likely we’ll get something exciting to do,well,i would hope. :pleading_face:

I think you’re looking at this in a bit of a backwards way. Almost all content is designed for “solo players”, the only things for people that like grouping is dungeons+ and non-LFR raiding. Everything about the new zone is for people like you, it’s literally stuffed with things to collect and do. In fact, SL has been without a doubt one of the best expansions for the solo player on things to do and collect… So, you can imagine my confusion with your post.