Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Torghast did give gear, in testing, but that got removed because we don’t need tons of sources of gearing. Korthia+3 instanced contents and vault was enough sources of gear, and if you were hoping for the best gear in the game from torghast, it wasn’t gonna happen. It would be less then korthia at best.

you could create your own stories and find your own path in this virtual world. not every story ends in high-end PvE.

That stuff never went to live. It never had any gear in it.

I knew it wasn’t in the live game.

Than we turn that story into a DnD Campaign!
And have more fun!

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I’m not advocating for that. I’m very happy doing keys and raids. If it were up to me, Torghast would never have existed lol.

Faster? Sure, I suppose. It’s hardly necessary, though.

I got through all 12 layers of Torghast on my alt at ilvl 198.



What did you get for it?

They aren’t really good at it. wow team anyway.

Maybe they could have reached out to diablo team there.

For everyday needs…I never really had issues, many classes, in gr pushes.

now at the “pro” level as people strive for max gr stuff, yeah, some class imba arises. and in the past some classes became THE gr pushers. coughb mage, cough, several years running cough.

But as a casual (to some definition, vague word really) I have done some GR pushes on the “crap” classes and said it works well enough.

Season needed say gr 50 for a chievo/season goal…I could do that.

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this post contains the first use of the word "imba’ since 2005.

A legendary.

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Oh torgast gives free legendaries? Thought it dropped soul ash.

Your guild is who gives you the free legendary, but you need the soul ash still lol.

The problem is that WoW’s balance issues are really pretty bad when you focus on a single class, spec, or role. They hide that in group content. The larger the group, the less glaring those balance issues become.

Maybe your guild does. Me and my alts gotta farm gold to get a legendary and farm torgast on top of that. Its a bunch of gold to farm if you want to use a legendary for your main spec and off specs.

But in BFA the legendary was free. Torgast just drops reagents.

Well…players wanted crafting to be important again and they got their wish.

I don’t know which crafter wanted to craft 45 pieces of the same piece and lose money from it.

I would have preferred if those pieces could be upgraded with other crafter products so people had options.

Maybe you bought the cheap one and could upgrade it with loads more soul ash.

That crafting system also doesn’t encourage me to touch my alliance characters to craft there own legendaries.

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im gonna play naked in the new patch until my sub expires

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soul ash is legendary rarity.

Can I come watch?