Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Shadow priest has fun anima powers. Although I have been disc healing I noticed that’s its not that hard to do disc in torgast.

No, I made a snide comment to ONE person, while defending my solo gearing paths that exist. Because they work great.

Wrong again.

You made some ridiculous argument about how world quests aren’t progression content.

Shall we recap? Okay then.

And then you kept obsessing. And then claimed I started this argument that had nothing to do with what I said. And THEN claimed “he” has had this discussion with you before and “he” is trolling you. Which was complete insanity and nonsense.

You’ve completely gone off the rocker from your very first reply to me.


And that’s the problem with challenging solo content. They can’t balance it around each role, each class, or each spec. The balance in the game has always been a disaster but they can sort of disguise that in group content. The larger the group, the less glaring those balance issues become.


They aren’t. A fresh 60 can do them all in one day. They’re impossible to fail. That’s not a progression system. If you enjoy doing them, that’s all that matters, but let’s be honest with each other.


Which had not a damn thing with anything I talked about.

And yet here you still are, making up a ridiculous nonsensical argument which NEVER EXISTED.

Good God just stop. Your comments are completely insane and nothing to do with anything I’ve said in here.


If you agree with that, why would you say it’s a ridiculous argument?

Still can’t comprehend anything anyone says. You are completely off your rocker.

Either go back and reread the conversation I was having or stop responding to me.


I’m trying to remember how this conservation went the last time that we had it. Telling people that they don’t understand you sounds familiar. Is that all you’ve got?

You can’t remember because it doesn’t exist. I have never once had this conversation with you. Ever.

But keep making crap up. Have a nice night.


Have a good one!

what you didn’t like being permanently stuck in combat because you’re bodyguard decided to run and chain pull things that even smend wont help you?

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Did solo players forget this isn’t Skyrim or ESO? WoW has always been a first and foremost MMORPG - heavy aspect on players working together to clear instanced content.


Some class/spec combo’s the only reason the covenant was not run was 1 thing was jsut that much better.

Now they will get both. It will be interesting to see this play out.

The funny thing about that is Blizzard does try awarding more solo stuff once in a while and it always ends so badly.

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Because said content is always in the form of “get better gear to clear it higher” aka go do M+ and Raids to get said gear. Visions required better gear to progress faster, and so does Torghast.

Torghast should have been the compromise that solo players wanted. ILVL isn’t really that important there, but then the nerf calls came. Any plans to tie anything meaningful to it died when they nerfed it into the ground. I’m not sure why Blizzard even bothers with solo systems anymore lol.

Torghast in itself was an awful system and I’m glad they abandoned it. Good riddense to that garbage.

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For sure. It’s the most boring thing of all time, but it could have been the thing that solo players could have gotten some gear from. The players were just short sighted when they demanded nerfs after 3 days.

They nerfed it when it didn’t have any gear. Just soul ash?..

If I remember correctly, the original plan was to have gear at the end. Maybe I’m wrong about that.