Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

He keeps responding to my posts. I’ve had this exact discussion with him in other threads. These same complaints come up patch after patch. It’s just how the forums are.

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Thank you.

I’ve been in here talking about how the systems we have right now are perfectly fine and make sense, while giving solo players a gearing system.

I don’t have a clue how that’s getting twisted around. :flushed:


Her. And you absolutely have NEVER had this discussion with me before.

Because I have NEVER complained about the gearing systems for solo players.


Many headaches on this forum can be saved by putting people on your ignore list. Just a thought.


Ehhh I don’t mind having the debate with other players. Honestly, I think he’s trolling me lol.

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Except I have never had a conversation with them before on this topic, because I’ve always been the one that defends these gearing systems for solo players. So I don’t even know how they think they’re talking to.

  1. She
  2. I have never ever had a debate with you about solo gearing EVER and you’ve continued to ignore EVERYTHING that I’ve said in here.

What is your problem???


You also said you hated Pocopo!!! (Or was that another thread…)

I believe another thread. And him personally I don’t hate. I just dislike companions in this game, because Legion bodyguards sucked. LOL

I’m not sure why you’re arguing with me about solo gearing then. It’s going to be better in 9.2 than it was in 9.1. I can’t even fathom how busted a 2nd legendary is going to be. These final content patches are for the solo players.

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Because you literally started it when YOU replied to ME. See post 18 where you’re the one who started this whole insanity by not comprehending what I was talking about. I did NOT reply to you first.

You seriously can’t even follow your own conversations.

And I never ONCE said anything against these gearing systems.

Good God learn to read.


This final patch really does seem to be for the casuals but then again I think the last one was too.

It did keep a lot of people busy without feeling too bogged down. That’s how you do dailies.

My only complaint is that this is it… still feels like a very empty expansion cycle compared to others.

amen. they were awful.

I thought pocopo looks kind of fun, but the more I think about it, I hope he doesn’t play out like legion bodyguards, because as you say - companions suck.


Here’s hoping! lol

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Companions make me feel like I have friends. I dont like it.


Pocopo can drive a robot snail around.

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I liked them, because they were a dps increase in the outworld in all zones, even old zones. I am not even sure you can bring pocopoc out of zereth mortis. Zone buffs are nice but bodyguards you can bring everywhere are nicer. Especially in wpvp. Some of the legion bodyguards were nice in the ffa arenas.

You claimed that people were making fun of you for wanting a solo gearing path. Seeing as that path doesn’t exist, I simply told you that no one is making fun of you. Are you sure you’ve been replying to the right person?


Issue with torghast was not difficulty per se, but how it was difficult for one thing…and face roll easy for another.

psssh…its a breeze goes tanks. well yes. tanks go in fine for hp and damage mitigation. see damage dealer option. Take damage dealer option. all the way up.

Non tanks chose everytime. Need the HP…need the damage. alternate the 2. Jack of all trades, master of none.

Or well, bm hunters. when bm hunters complain about solo hard content 2 things come to mind. they are trolling. or they are really really, really bad.

and the RNG. if it liked you…steam roll. if it hated you…may elune have mercy on your soul really. recent runs for ash using the now run anytime setup I had night and day runs on the same char. same wing.

First run…I was death incarnate. the second run…I was going omg, how many times are you going to give me door of shadows AP’s. fight all the way to the end as I was getting no damage AP’s.

some also have class fantasy. S. priest is the dps spec. can have issues in torghaast. solution given: run disc.

some don’t want to run disc. Not their class fantasy.

then it had many did they even test this? moments. The fun time of warrior stomp. a power combo snuck in imba as hell.

Did I say layer 7…no no make it 9. when a warrior was one shotting more or less…why the heck not.

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Probably play for maybe a week or two, realize how hollow the world content is, and how blizzard massively dropped the ball on any feeling of progression in 9.2, and that the gimmicks they added have no longevity. Then likely quit enmass again, because blizzard cannot for the life of them actually create any meaningful world content due to the fact the mythic+ / PvP / Raiders would complain that they have to interact with the world, and cannot just meet their weekly minimum requirements then log out.

Doesn’t really help that the setting as a whole is pretty boring when it comes to shadowlands, and the story doesn’t matter anymore. :woman_shrugging: