Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on


Getting so weary of that insult.

If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. But if that’s the kind of conversation you want to have I have better things to do.

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It’s been pretty ubiquitous.

And we already have those threads complaining the 246 gear from ZM isn’t good enough for… whatever. (The “whatever” having never been explained to me, no matter how many times I try to get an answer.)


And I enjoyed the grind to get my higher level gear. Do you not understand the difference between a progression gearing system and the content itself?

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Same rubbish as the past patch but worse?

It isn’t. At all. The vocal minority doesn’t speak for me or my guildies or my friends across three servers. Or those in my general chat in Korthia who weren’t complaining and actually helped each other.

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No one is insulting you, but doing world quests is not a progression system. That gear doesn’t allow you to tackle more challenging world quests. Don’t take it so personally. Do you think I’ve never classified something incorrectly?

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so what exactly do you want?

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Once again ignoring what’s been said to push a condescending false narrative.

This is always how complaints and discussions work. Everyone thinks things they don’t agree with were championed by a minority when nobody really knows.

The content is what it is and every player gets to choose if it’s fun enough for them to play. If not they move on, like any other video game of hobby.

Every feature has people that love it, hate it, indifferent, etc. The people that hate something are likely to be the most vocal though.


I tend to call out rares and not complain in korthia. Even switch to tank offspecs to solo a rare or 2 man it with strangers I can’t talk to. Ahh… crossfaction will be nicer but still won’t be able to talk to random strangers out there to help do rares in the non-warmode and mob sharing probably won’t be introduced crossfaction, something I would enjoy for questing on alts.

They want people to group content, and it seems it’s sticking that way since it’s the only way to get tier gear. I expect more people to be doing mythic plus at least since that requires the least amount of people. For at least a 2 for a chance at tier gear with cosmic flux.

Jesus…just call it what it is. You want raid quality gear for doing world quests. In order to justify that, you’re calling it a progression system.

Here’s what a solo progression system would look like. The overwhelmingly vast majority of you would not be able to get very far in it. Then you would complain about the difficulty…which is why Blizzard doesn’t implement such a system.


Exactly what I stated earlier: Korthia system was great to me. It took a long time, so no casual was stepping on some grumpy raider’s toes. It was only Normal raid ilevel and everyone who ran group content had that or better before we got it, which made perfect sense. And it gave solo players a chance to progress their gear.

It’s what some other MMORPGs do that I play and I think it works great.

How about you try reading and understanding, instead of acting like a snob, okay?


I mean, doing group content has historically been the only way to get your tier set? Or at least the 4p since some expacs had the 2p on world bosses if you were super lucky.

Getting all tier in 9.2 without ever touching the raid is kind of a new thing.


You’re projecting a bit, no? I don’t think any less of you because you don’t do group content. You’re going to get full epics and 2 legendary items without every having to get into a group. If you had played vanilla like that, you’d be in questing greens.


Everyone wanna feel some kinda way about the gear and see other perspectives however they want. The problem with the stat structure in WoW is that the argument for it doesn’t make sense. We get more stats to do harder stuff, right? That’s the core of the argument? But the stat inflation both is not necessary to make harder stuff, and the stat inflation makes that harder stuff very easy eventually.

Blizz could just as easily, if not more easily, make harder content tuned for 233 gear. It serves no mechanical purpose to have so many stat tiers, even less so to have so many hard gated stat tiers. The only effect of those stat tiers is to create a cynical carry market, and to allow people to trivialize content to be able to carry that content. If the stat system made sense, carrying would not be something that was easy to do. The top end raid should need all 20 people performing well, but it doesn’t. Once you have 10 people maxed out, they can do the 20 player enrage timers and fill out the rest with randoms. None of this nonsense is necessary, it is highly detrimental and that is obvious.

What is a carry market except people making an end game for gold where none exists within the game systems? Why does no end game exist within the game systems? No matter how long/hard you make the ilvl grind, it has a hard stop. This is blatantly obvious. Once the raid is cleared a few times, you get two camps of people. Those who quit til next season and those who charge people to run the raid. Both of these things have an extremely deleterious effect on the game. This is blatantly obvious. Every patch the game is smaller and smaller, and it is not necessary. It is entirely caused by the ‘stats are for raiders’ “argument” which is just a PR hand wave for running money through carry groups. If it was done in system, there wouldn’t be a skim. That’s the whole issue. The game sucks because someone is taking a big cut under the table. ilvl isn’t exclusive, people started selling gear for paypal cash week 1 of MC. They’re defending nothing with an ideal that has never existed and never will exist.


I believe you dont even have to touch m+ to get them. In 8 weeks when whatever that catch up mechanic is you can swap whatever gear you have (on the tier slot) and create a tier piece (with teh same ilvl of course)

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They tried that in Nighthold, where the power rewards were so incremental that farm bosses never got easier.

It was not popular.

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they did. It’s called scaling the world content. And that came with a negative feedback as well as how much people hated it.


Not with the attitude and complete dismissal of everything that’s been explained in here, nope.

If you can’t comprehend what I said in the post above and understand that nowhere have I complained about the systems we have for solo gearing, then that’s a you problem.

You’re the one projecting. Especially with this:

Acting as if people are complaining and should be grateful, when what’s been said in here by me and some others is literally telling you that we were perfectly happy with the gear progression systems we’ve gotten.

Take a step back and reread what I’ve been saying, please.


Minimal power gains makes the difficulty very binary and skill heavy.

And to be honest I don’t think that is what most players want in their PvE.

The scaled mage tower is a great example. Some players can do it no problem and others never will, and no amount of gear (ok some gems) will help them gear up in progression.

That type of game just isn’t what WoW is built on. It isn’t dark souls.

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