Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

It’s still a hard thing to do if you don’t have any gear. Take a fresh 200 ilvl alt into a 12 and trying to do that flawless is harder rn then a 15.


This is false. Casuals world content players have been able to progress through gear for quite a few expansions now.

Korthia is a prime example. That was our solo gearing progression system.

Literally no one is talking about world quests.

Indeed. Adamant Vaults will have more levels. It does take gear to get through Torghast for some classes. And it is a nice bit of fun or challenge for those who enjoy it.


A progression system would mean that you need more and more gear to help you get through world content. Which world quest can’t you do on day one? They’re impossible to fail unless they’re bugged.

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So you didn’t read. Got it.

I don’t understand this. As a casual myself I’m looking forward to a new zone/rares and w/e else we are getting in there. The entire zone is for casuals.


If only torgast had like a kingdom hearts tournament of past fallen bosses to solo. Something like a sephiroth fight in torgast would be fun.

But like warcraft. So many missed opportunities with torgast. Could have done something like that. Some thing like via infinito in ffx-2.


Are we thinking of the same kortia here where the “casuals” was on the forum day 1 complaining how bad the gear was and how blizzard ask them to put some effort so they could get those gear?


That’s progression from the perspective of your play style. People who play the story and/or RP have an entirely different outlook.


GW2 expansion drops on the 28th, I got a 166 agony resist berserker set stacked with might upgraded infusions that I haven’t swapped a piece out from since 2013 that I’ll be doing the new strikes in. If you wanna be rid of that stat treadmill ya gotta swap games.


This may be a shocking revelation to you, but the 12 people who threw a tantrum aren’t all of us and don’t speak for all of us. I enjoyed Korthia and it was a perfect solo gearing progression system.


It’s progression based on increasing difficulty. Which has been a principle design tenet of RPG’s since the beginning.

As opposed to those who think of ‘progression’ as getting better and better stuff for doing the exact same easy things over and over again. Also known as a Monty Haul game. (Something to be avoided.)


So why was Korthia such a problem for you? How did affect your gameplay for me to have a gearing progression system that I enjoyed?


You already get stronger for doing the same fights in raids/ dungeons… what? Lol…


To a point. But you don’t get Mythic rewards for beating Normal raids, to give a basic example.


You’re going to have to explain that to me. You don’t need gear to read the lolstory or to rp. You’re calling it a progression system but you don’t know what a progression system is.

Look at m+. You grind your way up the ladder and you learn the strats and you gear up a bit and that helps you do higher keys. Sooner or later, you’ll get to a point where you can’t progress. It’s either too challenging, or when talking about keys, it’s literally impossible to go any higher. That’s a progression system. You’re working towards something. A fresh 60 can do all the world content in one day.

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Korthia was never a problem for me. But it seemed to be a big problem for all the people who complained that it (a) took too long and (b) didn’t give good enough rewards, after complaining throughout 9.0 that they wanted a solo gearing system that (a) took longer than covenant sets but (b) gave better rewards.


Absolutely no one in here asked for that.


You only improve as a player too, any experience you gain and knowledge sticks with you until your brain starts deteriorating from age/sickness. You can only get better as you do the same fights.

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Casual players should be thankful they’re even allowed to be here in WoW.


“All the people” isn’t all casuals. It was like 12 vocal people around here.

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