Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Yea it was probably a bit too long and wasnt there one level that didnt let you upgrade or something? That was silly. But dont people want to progress for a while rather than a quick gear and done? That was the complain about the gear in 9.0 anyway so they responded with a longer process to get it maxed out.

“equitable diverse pathways” open world content is so easy it should never award gear comparable to heroic raiding.

Those pathways are in no way equal in terms of effort/skill needed to do them so the rewards shouldnt be equal either
I do think crafting professions need some love though

We see a little differently on this but I appreciate the civil discussion as always! :sparkles:

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Always. Happy to a polite discussion with anyone who isnt calling me names.


Sadly, 9.2 open world rewards have been downgraded compared to 9.1 Korthia rewards, according to the PTR.

So instead of upper Normal iLvl gear and max-level conduits, you will be grinding out a research tree for bonuses and perks that only apply in the new 9.2 zone.

Your choice, but 9.2 is not looking to be like the usual expansion final patch where all the casual and alt toons go wild with power.

I miss WoD pvp gear. Ashran was horrible as a melee but at least it gave you decent gear. Legion was nice for casual pvp. But I was chasing fomo artifact appearances for all the classes and didn’t get to enjoy that system much. Then they changed it after to some weird scaling system.

Sometimes I miss the casual pvp in WoW. Other games just do casual pvp better sadly.

It is pretty annoying in the mmo scene to constantly be gaslighted and say x player doesn’t deserve gear. Its very toxic part of the gaming community. Trying other pvp games is very refreshing sometimes. People value balancing and equal oppurtunity power rewards in more pvp focused games or casual ones.

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First heroic Terregrue kill was July 6th.

First world kill of heroic Sylvanas was July 8th.

July 11th kill would put you in top world 15.

I don’t think that’s “lots of guilds clear heroic within the first couple of days.”

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omg, that’s too cute…

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kinda true, hence why i tried to push for Solo tier progression via Sandworn Relics, since ya know they cost so much and are gonna take WEEKS to grind out a set.

but no… i was met with more hostility than a Chinese immigrant in a Wild West town… “braindead content” according to the elites.


That’s a fair point and maybe a bit of hyperbole on my end lol. I think it’s fair to say that most casual mythic raiding guild are making good progress into heroic relatively quickly and AOTC within 1-3 weeks? I guess my overall point is that there’s lots of heroic progression right off the bat even for guilds that are only doing 2 raid nights.

You can usually find a heroic pug that will clear the raid on week one, but those guys are playing an awful lot haha. My argument with that other guy is more about how gear influences those clears.

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So honest question, as someone who is a “bad player”, someone who doesn’t have great logs or a lot of friends, who probably struggles with things you all find easy, what are my options in this game? No group will take me for group content, and solo content offers very little. Seriously, I’m wondering what I’m even doing here anymore.


Seriously. I’m not playing this game past casual anymore and it has not been fun. I’m highkey sick and tired of spending dramatically more time doing my day-to-day stuff than a dude that’s literally one shotting everything in his path.

It adds up. What takes someone else a few minutes could take a casual an hour. Definitely not playing this game if that’s how it’s going to be.


according to the elites/gatekeepers, you’re supposed to push your own keys and make your own groups, this is why i dont do group content really because the barrier to entry is A-double-S. well that and my PC sucks dik…

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That’s a great question and it’s the most important one. Every player in this game will fall into at least one category. Maybe you’ll never be able to raid above normal or maybe you’ll never be able to do a key above a 5, but every player fits somewhere.

That’s what retail does right. There really is a difficulty for everyone. The rest of retail is varying levels of irritation lol, but do what you’re comfortable with and what you enjoy doing. There will be thousands of other people right there with you.

Don’t worry about doing the most difficult stuff. Make your peace with the gear that you can reliably get without driving yourself crazy. If you can do that, you’ve won the game…regardless of IO or ilvl.

that week unless I get a good tail wind I will be getting my d3 seasonal char on the switch level capped to hit those last bits of seasonal 1-4 and beyond tabs.

camping trip for the boy’s scout troop and I am volunteering to make sure enough adults there.

take d3 on the road, love switch diablo (2 and 3). hammer some stuff after its their lights out for bed. that weekend gone for wow…so lets make it few days over that lol.

Why some like me rant on dailies. i can’t hit wow everyday sometimes. Some catch up would be nice. wq’s missed 3 days…oh well, I guess. just make it more like 5 and do something as fun if not more.

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The game honestly, it isn’t that much fun without at least one good friend to play it with.

You can either get good, make friends, or play a different game.

Thank you for a well written answer. My pinnacle is LFR and heroic dungeons, mostly because I can join those without needing to have friends, and no one can tell me I can’t join them. I just wish they could be fulfilling and rewarding. As it stands I’m not really allowed to PvP with the gear I’m given, unless I like being destroyed repeatedly. That’s all I really want, is to be able to PvP.

Even if I could somehow graduate to M0, it’s not going to matter and no one’s going to care. I still will feel like a joke. What is even in there that’s cool to earn? High key runners get things like badass death elemental mounts, and it all just feels pointless if I’m not one of those guys.

Just want to feel like I matter in the game.

Lot of people are doing the bolded part.

I don’t want to give up on WoW. I love my marksmanship hunter. I’ve tried other games and none of them really gave me that same fantasy. EverQuest only has melee rangers, and FFXIV had the bard, which does archery, but I have to be a charming singer which I don’t like. But as it stands I’m feeling less and less like I have a place here every day.

the thing about “bad” is you can never be bad if you put some effort in the game. We’re not asking for you playing 24/7. Just learn to play, There’s alot of external thing that will help you. Then it’s just practice afterward.

If no group will take you then make it happen for yourself. Start the group. It’s really not as hard as what the forum make it out to be. If you dont have a key start a M0 then work from there.

Biggest misconception is starting a group means you need to lead it. It’s really not it just means you’re putting people together. Tanks will generally do everything for you. And if you’re a tank and you dont know what you’re doing. Just dps for abit until you experience what is happening then think about going back to tanking after.

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If you want to become a hardcore player I suggest reading up on your class or use guides. If I quickly want to know about a spec I check icyveins or another site.

You can sim your character and all that for like the hardest content but its not necessary for most content. Just knowing general stat priorities. Optimal rotations, cooldown usage, dungeon mechanics and practicing your damage rotation on a raid dummy can help you a bunch if you are new.

Guilds are nice if you plan to raid, or do group content. Or pvp.

Reading a class guide is good for mastering your spec and choosing the right builds. And knowing which items and trinkets are beat for your spec helps too.

Really just depends on how good you want to be. Its ok to make mistakes despite how abusive people will get with online chats. They help you learn the most.

You will want to download addons to help measure your own performance. Be weary of using it to harass other people though such as damage/healing meters.

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If you’re not having fun in a game, then perhaps it’s time to move on to something else? I stopped having fun in WoW and started playing other games and have had a blast. Thought I missed WoW a week ago and resubbed and quickly found that it really still isn’t that much fun for me anymore so I’ll be moving back along again.

Nothing forces you to play any game, and if you miss out on things then oh well, so long as you were having fun elsewhere.