Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Because of your PARSES as tank, that you apparently don’t know how they work or why they would matter when discussing someone’s skill.

You just get the same rewards as anyone else, despite your lower skill during raiding.

I do the fights just fine, thanks. I don’t even run logs. How do you know how I perform based on a few logs?

Don’t get sucked down the rabbit hole. It’s not worth it.

In the end, the OP was a ridiculous troll and the author never even came back. People tried to pin it as another “casuals want Mythic gear,” which was never the point, then everyone started saying people were saying something else that they didn’t say, arguments ensued that were nonsensical at best and here we are with a dumpster fire that really should just be deleted, because everyone’s mind is going to explode if they actually reread this entire thread in a few days to see the insanity.

And yes, I purposely added a run on sentence of ridiculous proportions to add to the trash pile. :grin:


I name changed this character today. I don’t even have logs.

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By looking at your parses, the numbers, what you got hit by, what you got killed by on wipes. Trying to argue someone else is ‘not working for any gear and just thinks they deserve it’ is definitely you.

I’m not working here, I’m playing a video game lol…


Or interrupt lol. You should have seen me in healer chat that day. “give us back our interrupts and we will carry these dps” but slightly less polite lmao

One of the reasons Resto Shamans are so important.

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But Xenna, if you aren’t playing 20 hours a week, you don’t deserve progressive gear. That’s just the way WoW is apparently.


fix it for you. You dont need to play 20+ hours. You can do a 30-40min dungeon this week even a +2 and will give you a 226 gear on reset, Not even that hard

Can’t we all just get along? =(

I brought cookies! (btw this recipe irl is amazing)

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I need 230+ to scale with my PvP, so a 2+ doesn’t work for me. But my original argument was for more pathways to gear. People continue to tell others to do Mythics which isn’t the answer we are looking for. Crafting and world content should become relevant again.

well looking at what you’ve done. Here another path for you since you want to get more gear in pvp. Have you considered doing RBG or rated arena? You know coz that also gives you gear

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I do rated PvP on my Alliance and honestly find it quite dreadful. If I could be given the lenience to craft my gear, even if it consumes a few weeks, then it would feel better for a lot of players who don’t have the time/energy for group content.

Wiped to a missed kick on arkolath on a big key when we had a bunch off cd and logged out then made avelshaman the next day lol. I just cant stand being at ranged watching my cast bar all day though its so boring so I didnt really stick with it. just do a couple a week really

You could get 233 gear from world content this patch was that not high enough for you?

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I suppose the gear felt very flat when my easily acquired 220 gear scaled to that in the content I enjoy.

Does gear scale up in pvp? I dont really pvp much so idk. If it does then thats kinda silly because it takes away the progression that people are asking for in this thread.
What is the content you enjoy since you said

im confused

It does! 220 gear scales to 230 in queued PvP, but it stays 220 in the world, which kinda sucks.

I can’t quote you on my phone very well, but I prefer world content, professions, and casual PvP. I dipped my toes in other things but couldn’t find much enjoyment out of it.

Oh yea well thats silly. I dont think gear should scale at all. Kinda seems illogical to me but I guess people dont like getting crushed by high ilvl people. To which my response would be to go get some gear then be the one doing the crushing but idk I dont pvp.

Well for world content I would have thought the upgrading korthia type gear would have been perfect no?
You have ranks to upgrade through and can work your way towards the next one and see your progress. Sounds ideal

I think that the Korthia system had a lot of potential but fell through in a lot of places. First, many casual players didn’t reach Tier 6 until the gear was practically irrelevant. And the grind to Tier 6 was pretty unfulfilling. Secondly, as I said, feels pretty flat to work so hard for 233 gear when I can get to 233 scaled gear in PvP for less than half the time. But that kind of supports the argument that there should be equitable, diverse pathways to gear. I didn’t like seeing my friends get so demoralized on the grind that they gave up.

Professions? Heck yeah. Solo content? Sure. Rated and casual PvP? Great. Mythics? Do it brother. But as the game currently exists, the most efficient way of gearing is a pretty narrow tunnel that fits a specific player type, and I want to see all player types have a lot of options, ya know?