Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Yes, while this is true and I do this as well, content is not made with the idea that everyone is going to buy their way into the next level tier off the AH. Content is made so that players rely on the content, and not other players, for their rewards.

Thus, 9.0 had solo progression into 200. Korthia was designed with the idea that at a minimum you had 200 ilvl (or progressed through 9.0 stuff), and as such, is a continuation of that.

You can spam Mythics all day and not get any stronger either.

From who’s standpoint? From a company standpoint, I’m sure it was a very solid decision.

Wrong. The only thing that would do that is if solo gear had a higher ceiling than group gear. Which it does not.

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Because its the lowest form of skill in the game.

Everyone gets stronger over time.

You definitely come off as being boosted by saying something like that.


The problem is the players. People just aren’t willing to struggle a little at first in order to get the rewards that they want. Half the board was screaming for nerfs on day one. There’s only two tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want. The other is getting it.


Normal SoD gear is 226? Korthia gear is 233.

Solo content all the mistakes are on you. In group content you ate able to pull others weight. You also actually get powerful gear for doing group content. And players will invite you more often the more power and rating you have/experience.

Solo content is all on you. You can’t do it by yourself your stuck until you improve.

In group content someone can be replaced and you do a fight better. Or you put in someone with good experience and power. They can carry the rest of thr group’s lower performance.

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Is normal SoD the ceiling of group content? Come on, I know you’re smarter than that.


That’s not really true. You could simply invite someone else doing the daily.

Not to nitpick, but that’s open world content. Not solo content.

Like the Mage Tower. That’s solo content :stuck_out_tongue:

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Actually, I do know the difference between “casual” and “solo”. You are the one who keeps pushing your anti-casual (“dose guy baads”) elitist agenda.

I realize that there are mythic raiders who log in 6 hours a week, playing many hours less than a lot of casuals who rarely do harder content. People like that like to brag that they are “the true casuals”, and the overwhelming majority of players are “bads” who should be chased from your game.

Nope. It’s your issue if you’ve chosen to show us that toxic elitists like you infest the game. If you don’t like other people, that’s not my problem. It’s yours.

I don’t know why you want to destroy the game. The game will not be profitable if only toxic elitists like you remain, and you are mostly a forum warrior anyway. If you’re bragging about mythic+ and raiders who barely play, I’m going to guess you are one of those who barely play the game.

People who play the game more clearly like the game more. People who hardly play like it less, or like less of it.


Yeah, and MT was more challenging than I expected, but the key to figuring that out was just a YouTube video away.

For a majority of progressive casuals it is. AotC is one thing, but there are a lot of players content with clearing normal as their means of endgame.

No, you’re not. Your perspective on this is incredibly flawed.

And it’s less punishing by default.

You sound like a pugger.

For solo content? You are suggesting making it easier by grouping?

This extends to other games too.

If you can’t beat a game by yourself, you gotta fix your own mistake to beat the challenge.

Just insults from you. Not worth.

There’s very little content that’s truly solo content. People that couldn’t do visions, got into groups. People that couldn’t do Torghast, got into groups.

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Can’t handle scrutiny?

Why does it matter how often you play? Blizz makes just as much money from the raid logger as they do from you.

I got through em solo. Idk what other people did. As a solo player that is the beauty. You decide if you continue or not.

Or when you want to try again.

Just because a player chooses not to continue on does not mean that the ceiling ceases to exist past that point.

Majority of players don’t do Mythic Raiding either, so we should just scrap that altogether then as well?

As long as there’s something to chase (which goes beyond normal SoD), there remains a reason to go after it. Choosing not to is a whole other beast.

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It’s 233. That’s end of Normal. What?

Not I’m my opinion. Me getting Normal ilevel gear months after you’ve cleared Heroic is irrelevant to you.

Nope. I looked at “hey, I finished my gearing, now I’m going to work on my other goals.”


Moving goalposts. This isn’t about skill. It’s about gear progression.

Wow. You really took that way out of context. lol