Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Because the way this game is designed is that gear rewards ilvl based on difficulty. That’s why mythic raiding and high end pvp award the best gear.

It’s why world quests award such a low ilvl because you can’t fail them.

I hadn’t seen anything about this. Are you sure?

We’ve discussed this before, you and I, and I don’t really want to go back in circles. Not trying to be rude, just honest. Other poster and I haven’t had a conversation yet.

What I mean is that as Korthia gear was end raid boss ilvl loot the rewards in ZM are not the same ilvl as normal end raid boss loot.

Ohhhh. Now I get it.

This game’s core design is that your gear reflects the amount of effort you put into progressing your character. Those players who commit to learning their class/spec and participate with others should get the best gear over players who simple farm materials or play by themselves.

I can understand that. I was just trying to answer your question for you :+1:

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Yeah that makes sense. I’m okay with endgame tomestone gear in FF14 so I’m okay with that as well. I don’t think that Korthia should be the “optimal” gearing path but if it takes several weeks to progress to that point then it wouldn’t be the optimal path. It wasn’t uncommon during Eternal Palace for even high-end raiders to wear a couple slots of Benthic gear even if most of their gear came from the traditional sources.

I wouldn’t say never. The Mage Tower was one of the most universally praised pieces of content I’ve ever seen… in Legion. I don’t think that the reception of the Mage Tower in Shadowlands was due to the content. I think it was mostly due to how it was marketed/rolled out.

If the gear takes weeks to get then it wouldn’t be equally valuable even if it had similar stats. The issue isn’t really how powerful the gear is an more how viable it is as a gearing strategy for high-end raiders/dungeoneers. If it’s not feasible for end-game players to use open-world content as their primary gearing strategy due to how long it takes then it wouldn’t overshadow raiding gear.

FF14 does this with their tomestone gear where any endgame content done at max level will give you a currency that you can use to buy gear that is just below Savage raid gear (the best gear available in any given patch) but there’s a cap on how much of this currency you can get per week such that it would take months to fully deck out your character if that was your sole gearing strategy. What’s more common is that players’ end game gear comes from a mix of sources with high-end raiders gearing much more quickly and ending up 5 ilvls higher than everyone else besides.

I mean, I agree with what you said earlier that FF14 doesn’t have great endgame but that’s due more to the amount of content they have on offer rather than the gearing strategy. 4 boss fights for endgame doesn’t really last that long.

And that’s actually a point towards my argument: Time and energy are equally reflective of effort as is challenge.

That’s simply a core disagreement you and I have then


I’m going to assume blizzard didn’t like normal being neglected because Korthia gear flat out made it irrelevant so they decided to go back to how gear was in 9.0.

Group content is easier by design, and you get loot for it making it easier everytime you choose to repeat that group in pve. In pvp it gets harder over time if you arent keeping on par with others. Solo content you can do the hardest solo modes and it will still be just as hard until you start doing group content. Then it gets easier somehow just cause you did a multiplayer mode? Its inconsistant throughout the game.

The group content also means you can have others pull more weight then you are.

That certainly reads like you were saying you couldn’t do those things anymore. Chalk it up to forum miscommunication I guess.

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If raiders can supplement their missing gear slots with just solo progression gear, then it’s still feasible for end-game players.

It’s a bit more complicated than that. Since FF14’s design philosophy on their jobs and specialists is completely different than WoW’s.

Being able to switch between all the jobs, the rigidity of those archetypes, and not adhering to Tank + Healer + DPS, completely changes the design of a FF14 raid.

Sure. But as opposed to nothing of any value or interest, that casuals should pay for the game, get no meaningful content, even though their content is the cheapest to develop, and inadequate rewards to advance.

If you don’t want the overwhelming majority of players to continue to pay to play the game, you’re doing it right. Hardcores and elites are a tiny part of the market. They don’t pay the cost of development of their content.

Trying to force casuals into harder content where existing players absolutely want to keep them out has been a disaster.

Well, yeah. Blizzard has no interest in keeping those players as customers.

That’s a judgment you are making based on your feelings and not how difficult it is to solo elites in bad gear.

Clearly nothing. Nobody deserves even one 5 ilvl upgrade ever. Neither casuals nor solo players (and especially not those who fit into both groups) should have any reason to play the game. And you, the 10% who are left, how many of you are going to be willing to pay 10 times as much to keep your game going as you watch your realms die?


No it’s actually not.

Showing you don’t know the difference between casual and solo again.

You do realize casual players still raid and do mplus and arena right?

If you can’t solo elites in 200 ilvl gear it’s a you issue not a gear issue.


Very long way of saying you boosted. I’m sure that 4 random people from different servers with 2200-2300 RIO scores were dying to invite a guy with 1100 RIO score and mid 230 ilvl to their 16s. Totally seems believable.


No, it isn’t. This is a flawed perspective.

But it will never exceed the need for more than one person. You can make the hardest Mage Tower for Solo Play, but it will never be tougher than the hardest Mage Tower built for two players.

This is just a cynical view of what group content is.

It’s an mmo … while wow does offer some avenues for solo play it will always pale in comparison with group play.

and it should.

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You get stronger over time, the boss doesn’t. It gets easier over time the more you do it.