Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Haha while I do the same thing, blizzard doesn’t take that into consideration when making content for patches. It’s just supposed to be a progression from the previous patch.

That’s all on Blizzard. I’m sure they know the numbers and they make decisions. I mean, expansions have been getting easier and less “chore-ful” with each one that I can think of since MoP

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Pretty sure nothing in 9.2 costs anima.

Where did I say that I couldn’t do that now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Irrelevant. I currently have gear on par with group content that doesn’t require group content. Korthia doesn’t affect your gameplay for your group content, does it? Were you adamantly against it?


Say’s the guy who looks very much like he was boosted (skipped straight into the M+'s in the teens, couldn’t time 12-14’s, and than started timing 16’s across the board, with only 4-5 runs for most dungeons). Highly suspect, or are you encouraging people boost?

There’s no law saying it needs to be. We could just… make harder solo content.

Shocking concept I know.

And that was a mistake.

Yes. Giving out solo gear that’s more valuable than group gear is definitely a bad thing. It dumbs down the game and discourages people from progressing group content.

I don’t need to boost. I used to do heroic raiding in cataclysm and haved played casually for more then a decade. I do not need to do the lower modes with my years of experience. All I had to do was look up the recent stat prioritiies, changes in rotations, builds that players use for mythic plus. And like a 5 min video explaining the dungeons to get baseline knowledge of the dungeons.

I can start and have done 10s on my alts. People tend to not want to add players or characters without previous rating. My experience from this game and other games transfers over. I used to casually pvp alot. PVE is so easy compared to what you face in pvp. Its all preset just remembering strats. Not like it changes so much.

I also have had all characters at max ilvl in past expansions. I am just sick of group content sometimes, doesn’t mean I can’t do it or tolerate it. Just would prefer solo modes to progress in.

What you didnt get the memo? The withered in legion are whats to become of casuals.

Or they could do what they’ve done with Korthia: just keep in on par with lower end group content and make it take longer to get.

I’m not sure I understand why that’s such an issue.

No. It isn’t. Every MMORPG I play has a gearing path for solo players on par with the same level of group content players.

I was never doing group content, regardless of what I’m given outside of it. And my gear doesn’t affect you.


Mate if your answer to that is “nothing” and this is a relevant topic to you, you’ve been paying a sub (gold or not) to play a game in which you do “nothing” for… 5+ years now.

That’s kind of sad.

Not more valuable :smiley: equally valuable. That’s what many solo players want.

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It’s almost as good as Heroic gear?

And the majority of them have awful endgames.

Blizzard has tried that before. It never works. Group content sort of masks the inherent imbalances in the game. The larger the group, the less obvious the imbalances. They’re either unwilling or unable to balance solo content around each spec, class, or role.

You must have seen all the MT complaints and that thing didn’t even award gear. The forums would collapse under the weight of “nerf this or I quit” threads if such a system were to exist.

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It can’t be equally valuable. Solo content will never be as hard as group content.

Leaving aside the discouraging part, I think it’s undeniable that it definitely leaves them unprepared for group content that they would find rewarding.

Somebody who goes all the way up in 233 Korthia gear, for example, doesn’t look at “what’s next for me in terms of difficulty and skill required?” (which would probably be M0 dungeons), but instead looks at “where can I get the next upgrades?” which would be higher M+ dungeons, or Heroic raiding.

And tagging rares in Korthia for months doesn’t prepare one for either of those.

Which is how we get all the “nobody will take me in their M+ groups!” that we had so many of before they all (presumably) just quit the game.


However, we can bypass that argument by presenting an alternative: It takes solo players longer to obtain the gear, but they still have an avenue. That would make it so solo players feel they have purpose moving towards equitable gearing without erasing the challenge raiders put into raids, etc.


Except time is not a measurement of skill in this regard. Someone doing AotC for the Raid doesn’t get all their gear in one go and they still have that level of difficulty; while a solo player just has to keep collecting his currency and wait until the gear for him ‘unlocks’.

Also had to 4 man some of those because someone afks or rage quits. Thats something I seen on alts. 4 manning keys and we still completing them with 4 players.

They are reverting the buff on Korthia gear because even the devs agree that 233 gear was too high of an ilvl for being how easy it was to acquire.

I don’t understand why skill should be a measurement of what gear someone gets then either. We aren’t discussing skill, we are discussing potential avenues. Professions and time should be equally valued pathways to gear.

If I were to craft the gear, and pour the endless hours of gold farming or reagent collecting into creating the gear (and leveling the profession), shouldn’t that also be valued as putting effort into the game?


Very good point. Those people would be forced to learn and do progression on content that awards them nothing and no one wants to do that.