Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Sure, but that option is still available to you. Certainly that will limit your choices when it comes to class and spec.

Not necessarily. He’s got a point. I’m casual and solo and I agree with him.

Blizzard designs content as they fit. They spread the content out pretty good through all demographics.

Problem being, those who play alone (not all of us), think everything needs to be catered to them and their play styles. And solo content is made to be fairly easy (it’s designed so everyone can complete it with little effort), but not ALL solo content is made to be easy

Torghast, Mage Tower, Mae, Visions, proving grounds, etc etc


Yup just covered that in that next post of mine haha

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Yeah, I agree with that, but that particular progression path ends after launch. Normal and heroic dungeons are completely obsolete now. I’m not even sure why someone would bother to do a 0 other than to learn the mechanics. The gear certainly isn’t worth it.

You can’t do that now? At your ilevel nothing except a few of the rare elites should be a threat.

Technically it’s all over after it launched. Even Mythic raid is downed within the first week and for them that’s the end of the road. What’s the point after that?

It all comes down to how much time you have to play and how far you want to push yourself. My main I push from 15-20 as PuG life dictates.

My alts do 10-15s

And then some characters I have just to witness things I’ve never seen before and go over lore/quests/story lines I missed out on my rush to keep up with everyone on launch.

Korthia 233 may be the perfect progression for someone and be meaningless for you and I. Doesn’t stop it from being “progression” nonetheless. Especially since it skis 66% of m+ dungeons that offer progressive rewards and takes out 2 of 4 tiers of raids and however high into PvP

Ah yes. Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing all those sorts of posts when that content was current.

I think that’s a symptom of the fact that for years, solo content and easy content were indeed synonymous. So when it’s not, it’s a bit of shock. The best remedy I think would just be to make more challenging content and get people used to the idea that solo doesn’t necessarily mean easy and then the community can figure out from there which individual pieces of content were made for them and which were not.

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That’s a slippery slope. The scale would have to slide ever so gently and over a period of time.

And I say this because as soon as something isn’t steamroll content, someone is going to throw a fit about how they’re being forced to do something they don’t want to (in this case, get better).

I mean look what happened when everything scaled to level until max level. People through a fit they couldn’t sit in a zone 5 levels below them any more =/


I don’t like how you phrase this. Mostly because it is very demeaning and saying if you don’t raid or do group content you don’t deserve competitive power rewards. And saying that they can’t justify adding a decent solo progression system or even use the same system they used before like visions which was both a solo mode or group mode depending on your playstyle preference.

Yeah, but what I mean is that normal and heroic dungeons don’t scale to the point where they’re useful. The gear you’d get from a heroic dungeon wouldn’t be as good as the world quest stuff. It’s just dead content that isn’t beneficial in any way.

That’s not at all what I’m saying. Your rewards are based on the content you do. If all someone does is WQs, the drops from open world content ARE competitive for open world content.

As is with PvP, m+ and raids


Would the scale necessarily need to occur over a long period of time? If we released a piece of solo endgame content with variable difficulty the way other endgame pillars have, shouldn’t it be immediately obvious that it’s intended for you to play at the difficulty that’s right for you? For the Mage Tower at least I think the main problem is that it didn’t come out during a normal patch content release. It came out in the middle of a content drought so everyone was talking about the Mage Tower as this wonderful new piece of content they can play with. If there was a Mage Tower (Easy) and a Mage Tower (Mythic) then it would probably be obvious that it’s not really expected for most people to be able to beat the latter. But when it’s your lone oasis of something new to do in the desert of content drought then you’ll be super disappointed when you try it and find that’s way above your skill level.

I guess Torghast probably proves me wrong though since that had a variable difficulty scale that people complained about that.

Depends on where you are. A fresh 60 would make great use out of Heroic dungeons until they get enough Renown to boost WQs rewards high enough.

And the perk to dungeons is that they can be spammed. If I’ve collected all the gear I can for the day, I’m done progressing.

With dungeons I can spam them until I’m fully decked out in their level of gear

They’ve all got their usefulness. My BDK is 207 and still running m0s because his weapon is severely lacking (197 or something like that). All the while I’m still running keys in the 7-8 range. And I just haven’t found a 2H weapon in the open world yet that’s high enough to replace it (low on renown and thus WQ reward ilvl).

Depends on the player. I thought that’s what Torghast was. I was rolling through it on fresh 60s and people were complaining it was too hard (even level 1).

That’s why I said it was a slippery slope.

Indeed. Sadly.


None of the current systems are lower than group content. So… no.

Maybe it’s because I’m
Not cheap but any Alts that hit 60 gets 200 ilvl blues and a 230 jewelry piece and I don’t have any issues in Korthia.


So I guess follow-up question, should Blizzard care if a bunch of players welch that they can do Normal difficulty but Mythic is too hard for them? You can’t please everyone all of the time so we’re gonna end up with vocal complainers no matter what we do. So the question is how many complainers indicate that something is wrong and how many do we expect that a piece of solo content that is a clearly-labeled endgame pillar with variable difficulty levels would produce?

Heroics drop 197, you can buy all 200’s (except 2 slots (weapon and second trinket)) straight off the AH, and you can buy a 230 for one of those slots (neck/finger since they have a socket). So unless you’re brand new to the game and this is your first 60 (which I would expect given everything going on in the last year at Blizzard is probably pretty rare these days), N/H dungeons are useless to even a fresh 60.

On a fresh 60 I buy all 200’s/230’s and fill the 2nd trinket/weapon slots with the slot specific stygia items from Korthia, and head straight into M0’s/2’s.

Except that solo content is always easier than group content. So… yea.

The best solo mode is like torgast. That doesn’t give you any gear or vault loot. Anything decent is locked behind premade content. You can do torgast all day and not get any stronger. You can spam mythics all day and get 2k rated and get bis in like 2 weeks or less.