Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

I love that you know this and I support it lol.

What agenda? You exaggerate all the time.

Tell them the same thing the Dark Souls community does. Git Gud.

For what it’s worth, I know there’s a significant overlap at the moment (largely due to a lack of challenging content for solo players to engage with) but is that solo players saying that or is it casual players saying that? There are casual players in all forms of content. Casual raiders who only do LFR and a little bit of normal. Casual dungeon runners who only do a few low level M+s or maybe even M0s. Those players will play the level of content that they’re comfortable with and having challenging solo content with multiple difficulty levels would be no different. There would be casual players who don’t engage with it to a massive degree. If they never go beyond that level of content then they’ll never really need gear beyond what that gear rewards. If they want better gear then they can steadily climb the ladder of all the content avenues that the game provides then with until they come up against the limits of their own skill. There isn’t a stark divide between casual players and Mythic world first runners. It’s a skill gradient and players will finish their journeys at all levels of the spectrum. That’s not really a concern.

I also haven’t seen a massive coalition of solo players demanding to be handed powerful gear without working for it. I’ve seen a few scattered trolls sure, but I don’t think it’s all that large a group. If such a group does exist then I don’t think they’re worth catering to.

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i thought on feb 22 everyone was unsubbing until the catch up mechanics are in

A fresh 60 and ilvl 115 is an exaggeration? You must have a very distorted version of reality.

Yes I can hit 210 within minutes of hitting level 60. But not everyone has that luxury, nor does it stop being from coming out extremely low ilvl while leveling

The best advice I can tell you is to sub and make gold as a solo player. To afford the legendaries you may decide to get in the future. Sell those Zereth mortis mats for the raiders. Then buy your own when the prices drop later.

I’m not a solo player.

But patch launches also aren’t fun.

The Covenant set alone is 197. Where are you getting 115 from?

There is a chance for chronic ddos attacks and bugs too. But I will be rep farming on like 4 characters for the recipes.

Covenant set is 197 fully upgraded and requires quite a bit of anima (for a fresh toon) and for you to do the covenant story line to acquire the pieces in the first place (otherwise locked behind renown).

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Presumably it’s designed the same way that all other solo content is designed. You pinpoint a few items that you need temporarily and then you jump into raids and keys. We just have different ideas of what a progression system is. Of the 3 endgame gearing paths, the overwhelmingly vast majority of players hit a wall that they just can’t get passed. That point is different for every player, but there isn’t a player that can’t do the world quests.

I like them! Haha

Difficulty is also determined by the player’s ability. Not all are young players. Some are even physically disabled or legally blind. However, they still like the game and want to earn rewards.

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That’s only part of it. It was designed as content for 9.1, which is designed to be more difficult than 9.0 content.

9.1 content is designed with you having done 9.0 first

9.2 is designed with the idea of having done 9.1 first

So on and so forth.

Correct. But it’s still a gearing path. It’s the first step.

WQs —> normal dungeon —> heroic dungeon —> mythic —> m+

And same with PvP and raids.

Korthia is just the m+ for solo players. Run the same content over and over and upgrade the pieces you’ve received.

I’m not even going to use “casual” here, because casual to me means time spent playing, and I don’t think that’s a factor.

So I’m going to use “bad”, and apologies if that offends anyone but I’m trying to be to-the-point, here.

Anyway, the issue is that bad solo players think that all solo play is intended for them. We saw this most recently with Mage Tower, but also saw it in Horrific Visions, and Torghast (pre-nerf), and the Maw, and in other places.

They see “solo” and think immediately “this is meant for me”. Even though it’s not.

Even when Blizzard calls it “challenging solo content” like Mage Tower, they immediately think it’s designed with them in mind.

And then they get destroyed, and, well, they don’t react well.

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You’ll have quite a bit to do in the new zone for at least a couple of weeks. I mean, you’ve got a robot pal to level and mounts/pets to create/collect! :stuck_out_tongue:

Brewa only cares about Brewa. If you’re casual and solo, they would rather crush you under their boot and they consider you insignificant of existing on the planet. They simply have no empathy towards anyone.


Solo does not mean easy (relatively). That’s where people screw up. Solo just means alone

They like to ignore “challenging” adjectives”


Exactly. But they do it every time.

I didn’t start off being skeptical of solo gameplay (since we ALL engage in solo gameplay in WoW), but after years of seeing “we want hard solo content that gives us better stuff” over and over, and EVERY SINGLE TIME they complain once they get it… now I’m skeptical.


True, though a lot of people see “solo” and think “easy” due to the abundance of easy solo content in WoW.

I want a lot more challenging solo content. A couple of dungeons designed for solo play that scale like m+ would be sick… give me something to do when the group isn’t around.