Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Nah. Not much that costs anima at all and the few items there are don’t have any extraordinary prices.

The timers encourage you wanting people who know everything already. People always ask for high ilvl and rating folks. They have no patience for newer players or players who don’t understand mechanics. Your success is being measured if you time the key or not.

I find timers to be annoying in many games. They are nice for speed runs but many folks don’t like speed runs.

Completing a key while not timing also is negative progression. Negative reinforcement to bring newer players who could mess up your key if you had experienced that.

That sort of mentality gets scattered throughout the game. Timer based gameplay itself has its own audience and is annoying if you want to do a dungeon at a slower pace.

Like in single player games you have a pause button. Can save. Do it as long as you want. With a group the timer encourages fast runs and basically relies on your prior experience to complete the dungeon on time.

Wheras its nice to do dungeons your first time without knowing that stuff and figuring it out as you go along.


Well with what Brewa is saying, they’re upping anima rewards even more so come the 22nd, so even more help :slight_smile: probably the catch up for the end of expansion stuff that usually comes around

Yeah, it’s part of the overall progression, but there is no solo progression system. It wasn’t designed for you to spend considerable time or effort on. It’s a stepping stone that lots of people skip entirely.

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Okay, you just like to read your own agenda into what people write, don’t you?

Since it seems you wish to argue to your own agenda:

BfA: Kul-Tiras: 3 Zones with their own world quests.
Zandalar: 3 Zones with their own world quests.
Nazjatar: its world quests
Mechagon: its world quests
plus later the Uldum/corruption stuff and islands.

SL: 4 Zones and their world quests.
The Maw
One faction, so 4 storylines (4 covenants) with overlap, but shorter than the BfA storyline.

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Just because you skip doesn’t mean it’s not there nor a viable form of progression. and progression doesn’t necessary require a lot of time and effort.

Look at those people who are the first to clear 15s in M+. Long before the rest of the crowd gets around to it. They’re progressing and it’s not taking much time or effort for them.

Progression is progression. And it not REQUIRING a group does indeed mean it’s a path for solo progression. It’s also why it tops out before group content too.

Don’t take it so personally, I’ve been wrong before too

It really really doesn’t. In 9.2 tier sets are available from all forms of content and if this were to become an endgame pillar I would expect that to be true for this form of content as well. The gear rewards from this new branch of content don’t need to be unique compared to what you get in M+ or non-tier raid gear.

Remember that the primary goal isn’t to provide the omni-WoW player with an alternative source of gear to mix and match with, though they can certainly do so if they like. The primary goal is to provide solo players with challenging endgame content that they can engage with without the need to form a group. You can put whatever loot rules you want on it to make sure it doesn’t become the optimal method of gearing for all players but its the content that’s important here, not the rewards. If you look at it from the perspective that a solo player would never run Mythic+ anyway, what does it matter if the gear they earn isn’t unique compared to that?

Visions of N’Zoth managed to do it. World quests manage to do it. I don’t think that finding some kind of gear to reward the player with for this theoretical type of content would be the largest roadblock to seeing it implemented. The main question would be more along the lines of how powerful the gear should be rather than what exact flavor of “blood-splattered waistguard” it is. Since the majority of gear are all stat sticks anyway we already don’t have a wild degree of uniqueness among endgame gear so I’m not sure why that’s suddenly a major concern.

You can’t be comparing banging out some world quests to progressing the m+ ladder lol. One of those is impossible to fail.

Incorrect. I can take a fresh level 60 at 115 ilvl and fail Korthia dailies very easily. That’s why there’s solo progression

Oh…well mileage will vary I guess lol, but that stuff is designed for fresh 60’s and alts.

Incorrect again. It was designed for people who did all the solo progression in 9.0. Thus it’s designed for people around 200-210 ilvl and it’s a way for them to progress from 200-233, all alone

Maybe that stuff is just easier with my tank alt. Agree to disagree I guess. Difficulty is subjective.

I’ve never had any issues in Korthia with alts around 170-175ish.

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As Jack Sparrow would say, you’ve accepted my proposal in principle and now we’re just haggling over price.

I agree, current solo content is very very easy and thus should not reward gear comparable to the much more difficult raids and dungeons. But that’s because current solo content is not designed to be a challenging endgame experience. If we had solo content that wasn’t designed to be easy then we could start talking about it giving substantial endgame rewards and becoming a pillar of the end game along with raids, dungeons, and PvP.

There’s nothing inherent to solo content that means it has to be easy. The only thing solo means is “one person.” Once the challenge is there then the rewards can follow.

There is one thing: The demands of the very loud solo playerbase that it BE easy.

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Don’t worry. Grizzle needs to exaggerate so he can keep peddling the notion that solo players have the hardest of times in an expansion that hands them gear hand over fist.

Nor have I. But you and I are also familiar with game mechanics and class/spec toolkits and strengths and weaknesses.

We’re not discussing difficulty. We’re discussing what content was designed for. Korthia was designed for 9.1 and thus it was made in mind that those who go there would have progressed through 9.0 first at the very least. And with doing so, 200-210 ilvl was the end of the road for solo progression. Now it’s taking it from that 200-210 to 226-233.

But like you said, difficulty is subjective and I have no issues there myself either, but it doesn’t change what it was designed for

:joy::joy::joy: what. Where in the world have I ever even hinted at any of this. I’m in the crowd where I don’t think people who refuse to do group content need group content level rewards

This is what lying looks like.

That’s entirely out of context and 2 separate discussions.

You can keep pushing your agenda but those two quotes of mine are entirely separate entities.

I’ll even elaborate for you:

Has absolutely nothing to do with:

What does my ilvl and difficulty of content have anything to do with solo players?