Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Because solo content would have to be lower in ilvls than group content, also it would need to be unique to both Mythic + and Raiding gear.

I don’t need more collectibles. I need tangible player power so I can do random battlegrounds again.


The ONLY people that complained were the raiders that wanted a head start on gear, thinking they could grind out Korthia in 2 weeks! Well Blizz nipped that in the bud! It was gated by the chains campaign. I did not see solo players complain one bit, except for there being no upgraded when you hit rank 5, you could not upgrade until you hit rank 6. Since Blizz fixed that problem, i have seen zero complaints.

BUT, what we are getting in ZM, for the solo player is just sad as heck!


I think that having more options for endgame progression is a good thing, yes. It’s why I’ll champion the addition of M+ even though I myself don’t engage with it very frequently. Having more options for content isn’t necessarily a bad thing since there are not very many players who exclusively only do one type of content and never ever touch other forms of content.

Solo players are already not playing with raiders. Giving them something more meaningful to do would not take away from the current raiding pool. And personally, I would love having something I can have fun progressing that didn’t feel like a chore when I can’t find a guild group.

I don’t want Blizzard to overdesign something like that at the expense of the quality dungeons and raids we already have. But if it can be done in parallel then it’s something I would love to see. Me floating the idea and hopefully having Blizzard at least think about if it’s something that would fit their vision of the game and be feasible to implement is fairly low risk. It’s not really my job nor my goal to tell Blizzard the optimal way to distribute their development resources.

Eh, it really wouldn’t need to be all that unique. I can’t remember a single name of any of the gear I’m wearing or that drops from dungeons except perhaps the Trinkets. There’s not really anything unique about another chest piece with some distribution of two secondary stats budgeted according to an ilvl algorithm. For the appearance it wouldn’t really need to be all that wild either. If all your after is the gear then I imagine a recolor of whatever the current raid set is would be just fine.


And it already is, so… I’m not following.

Although, I disagree on needing to be lower ilevel than group content.


I think we’re debating past each other here. You’re listing items to get. I’m listing things to do, which to be fair to what you’re saying is part of the getting of things. Mostly in BfA it was getting the azerite up, the rep up, progress the story.

I’ve done all 4 covenant campaigns, maxed out my covenants and am in fact working slowly towards getting the few toys, pets, gear and mounts that are achievable by me. All this with less play time than I had with BfA and I find myself feeling quite bored/fed up where I never felt that way with BfA where there always seemed to be options.

The anima conductor quests I wasn’t counting specifically because it’s part of the region WQ issue.

I didn’t count the Maw as one of the viable regions because many people avoid it, myself included. Yes, I do assaults (not often, don’t enjoy them), but the WQ there just get me killed or frustrated in trying to get from A to B alone so I do them rarely.


Why? Gear level rewards are designed to be based on difficulty of the task.

Solo content compared to group content is very very easy.

I blame that on the timers. They make you not want to be so patient with people and get people who know what they are doing. I just looked at 5 min video explaining the mythic dungeon mechanics so I didn’t feel like I was holding the group down by not knowing the dungeon. That is what timer gameplay encourages sadly.

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Tbh most of the timers are trivial until higher levels of plus.

You have to be making major
Major mistakes to not time something under a 15.

“Shadowlands has less content because I refuse to do it.”


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That’s the thing, raid gear usually has Tier Sets, Mythic has stat specific gear, and PvP has more Versatility.

Somehow this new ‘branch’ of gear needs something unique to get people traveling through it.

It needs to be lower than group content because group content is always harder.

Factually wrong. World quest gear does increase and allows you to tackle harder content if one so chooses.

It’s the very first stepping stone on the ladder of the progression system.

Why do you need to be on the “normal/heroic M+” fast track? I am confused. Did they say there was specific ilvl content (besides raiding/m+) you needed to do anything in 9.2? How is this patch going to be any different from 9.1 and EVERY patch ever in WoW history?

To be honest there is a lot of solo content cosmetic gear sets in Shadowlands. Multiple set for each covenant. However, it is very expensive and time consuming to obtain for solo players. Blizzard could simply decrease the price of these transmog sets by 50% and make many people happy. It doesn’t even have stats or ilevel.

Due to the time investment and cost, I just picked one of the sets. My character is wearing it. I am not motivated to obtain the others due to costs.

Okay boss, I’ll do as you say and quit. Give me 2 seconds.

Korthia allows almost Heroic raid level gear and m12/13 gear. No one is complaining about that.

Solo path is fine so long as it doesn’t OVERTAKE group content gear. M10 and half way between normal-heroic raid gear would be acceptable. Especially if it’s a lot slower pace (once a week drop for example)

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They increased the anima rewards to help combat this (what the prerequisites are escape me, but you must first spend anima to make more anima)

There’s more anima coming in 9.2. Saw a ZM daily quest on PTR today giving 350 anima, for example.

Just a regular, daily quest.

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I have all that unlocked. It still takes almost a month to obtain the anima needed for a single set of cosmetic armor. Another month for the weapon transmogs. No stats, no ilevel… Just colorization changes.


But that’s begs the question: is this foreshadowing higher anima costs as well for things in 9.2?