Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Even the thread that came up about the lower than Korthia gear ilevel for Zereth Mortis didn’t ask for Mythic ilevel. Others came in and pushed that narrative, though.

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I have not touched the avowed rep. Those rares are a bit hard to solo lol.

You missed it? There’s a troll thread every month!

I was trying to follow your back and forth, and I’m sorry for bringing this back up again but I’m trying to understand:

Are you asking for the system where your gear has levels (1 through 12) and you spend currency to upgrade it?

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Ah good point i didnt consider that, i might make it a double naked play session, sure. its never too late to go weird lol

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Just chiming in with my own power progression plan for 9.2 as a WoW player who does casual content (meaning no M+, rated PvP or raiding) in a non-casual manner (I read guides, min-max where I can, try to learn how to master my spec, etc.)

  • Explore ZM and figure out how to upgrade my gear to 246 ilvl (I think this is the highest rares can drop) where appropriate.
  • Do the campaign such that I can access the legendary belt…and also just to complete the campaign on at least one toon.
  • Eventually gain enough rep so that I can switch my 2nd legendary piece to be at the highest ilvl for whichever slot best fits.
  • Probably do some PvP to get at least one trinket (because Blizzard is terrible at allowing solo players avenues for getting two decent trinkets) and possibly a weapon upgrade, depending on how annoying it is to get a 2H upgrade.
  • Running Raid Finder to get set items/non-set items to turn into set items later, then figuring out if the set bonuses outweigh potentially higher ilvl gear.
  • Look into buying any crafted gear which might be an upgrade, assuming I can afford it.

I think that’s about it. Other random thoughts:

  • I’m curious to see if Blizzard ever implemented “zone-powered” gear for ZM like they said they would.
  • I’m a little bummed that it appears I won’t be able to upgrade my conduits via solo play - yes, I fully recognize I don’t need higher lvl conduits for solo content, but it feels a little bad to have been able to grind those out on my own at my own pace for every prior patch, and now that ability is taken away.
  • I don’t believe there will be any way for solo players to add sockets to 9.2. gear, but I fully admit I don’t know for sure.

Just speaking for me, at least on paper, that seems like more than enough to keep me happy in terms of power progression, but I guess I’ll find out when the patch hits.


Tfw people beat normal/heroic raids on day 1, guess they don’t need that gear that drops either.

There’s no content being added that I’m interested in or that in any way feels rewarding for 9.2, so I guess Classic or other stuff until next expansion.

They do. But when you have to go and do other stuff in addition to raid in order to raid, because raiding is so unrewarding compared to everything else in the game, the time you have to spend outside of raid in order to raid really adds up.


I’m not asking for anything, actually. I’m simply saying that I’ve been fine with the systems we’ve been given for solo players. I absolutely loved the tier set we got that had bonuses for world content. I think Korthia was just fine, because it didn’t step on anyone’s toes and gave us something to work towards.

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This covers every aspect of the game btw. Insert other activities in the raid slot.

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Okay, except raiding already, by itself, takes 6+ hours per week. And that’s for a light schedule team.

Other content easily takes 6+ hours as well. This isn’t Wrath anymore, most people don’t even care or revere raiding any longer. It’s probably the third best content in the game (my opinion) after PvP and M+. Even if M+ sucks this expansion.

You mean stuff like this?


That is exactly what I was looking for - thank you! For some reason I was having a heck of a time finding any info on those bonuses. Seeing as you found it in .08 seconds, I’m probably just looking in the wrong places :neutral_face:.

I have one in my bags on PTR, I just took a screenshot. :laughing:

Searching the database for “cryptic”, none of them are showing any kinds of effects, including the gloves I just linked:

So it’s possible it’s just a random affix on gear rewards sometimes.

I’m pretty sure (although not 100%) that I saw another one that gave you a self-rez ability (like Shamans). But I don’t remember if it was only in ZM or in other Shadowlands zones.

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Well wouldn’t that be fun in wPvP. If it were in every zone especially.

Thank you, Sylvanas, for speaking your truth.

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I don’t get it either.

To me, gaining power to no significant purpose is an empty reward.

I agree playing and having fun is the all the reward a player should need.

I think the reason players believe they need or deserve to be rewarded for every act is because the game conditions them to that idea by giving out rewards for every act, even insignificant ones like walking two feet from one NPC to another.

Think Pavlov’s dogs.

Given the low drop rewards and strict lockouts, it is clear raiders raid for the love of it (not like M+ players whose cries at low drop rates this expansion made it clear they are all about the rewards not the play).

And covetous. And lazy.

However, the posters on this board are not an accurate representation of the player base so I don’t think it is everyone just the loudest.


They are a more accurate representation than you are. By far. By faaaaaaaaar. By the furthest.

Not empty to me. I gain more power and kill things faster in world content, Torghast, etc. This is a game based on levels and power progression. Not sure why that’s difficult to understand.

Please explain to me why enjoying the Korthia solo gear progression system was in any way covetous or lazy. I’ll wait.

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