Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Even without the building upgrades, Korthia still gives you a bunch of anima compared to WQs.

But if you’re not happy, no one is forcing you to stay. No one is married to a video game. You do you and have fun. I’ll be in Old Republic for a while with their new expansion. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have to say this is one of the worst rep grinds we’ve had lately.

I made a huge mistake in not doing it early, now you can only rarely find a rep farming group (doing it in a group is soooooooooooooo much more efficient than trying to do it solo).

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It reminds me of the original Timbermaw rep grind.

Fun fact: I got halfway to Honored just mass murdering for days to get the alchemy cosmetic helm recipe… still don’t have the recipe.

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That’s how I feel about Blanchy. Keep putting it off.


Your character or you? This is the IMPORTANT question!


The other reps were so easy I thought this one would be too.

Ah, Timbermaw. The thing I remember most from that grind was getting a Teebu’s and vendoring it because I was a stupid newbie.

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If Korthia is a prime example of what you are looking for then I have no idea why anyone would object. I have softened my stance on this subject after reading a post written by a very old person. Super casuals need a gearing progression and if Korthia was good enough I’m all for it.

I think people tend to believe you want higher end gear in this topic.

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Probably because of all the other threads where people explicitly state that they DO want higher end gear.

Like that silly “war on christmas/casual play” thread. Is that still going? (I blocked it.)


I feel like a lot of this thread was people talking passed each other and not necessarily actually “disagreeing”.

Casual/solo players absolutely should have things to work on for progression. I don’t think anyone seriously thinks that’s a bad thing at all. I think the sticking point is how long/where should that cap out. And even in this thread, ya’ll didn’t really seem to disagree on that even.

I think Korthia was fine. Caps around normal raid level give or take. But doesn’t override rated pvp, M+, or heroic and up raiding. I kind of think Korthia takes too long, and needs more incremental upgrading though. I’d rather have people work on a piece of gear, then the next, then the next, but Korthia’s more get the rep to unlock every slot.

Not a fan of the mechanics, but I’m fine with the reward structure.

There absolutely are those who think they should get higher level gear from solo-play, though they are rare. But at least in this thread, I don’t see Thallia advocating that point. And explicitly stating they were fine with Korthia’s reward structure.


But I could be wrong, I often am. I’m used to it. :slight_smile:


…is this not what Zereth Morris exists for? Like Korthia in 9.1?

I’ve been avoiding 9.2 spoilers, but I assume there’s daily quests and rares you can kill once a day in ZM.

That’s what casual solo players usually do.

I’ve been advocating for more endgame for us, but what are you expecting to do? Lol.


I have no idea. People continued to not read what I was posting and attempt to argue with me, when I kept saying the system was good. And my in here was me boggled by the OP because it made no sense to me. :rofl:

And why that is, is beyond me. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Except I never stated as such and specifically said the systems we have are good. In fact, I do that in all of those threads by the vocal minority.

I ignored it a while ago, too. Because it was ridiculous to me. lol

I know. I was always in the camp of “eff that”, but there are sane casuals that want to play alone and progress their character.

If we establish what is reasonable, which is possible, I don’t know how anyone could want to disrupt their game play and gearing method.

Personally, I don’t see why they can’t be in 245 gear at this point, even if it took all patch to get there. Hurts no one.

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Because short of this person and maybe a few others, the majority of the threads started on here from casuals are demanding exactly that. They want Mythic level gear to do whatever it is they do daily.

But if Korthia was the example, fine. I am an altoholic, I level toons to 60, I gear them up (and for the most part I don’t even touch Korthia short of for a few pieces I just have bad luck with), and put them into my weekly 1 M+ rotation (I’m at 23 60’s today, I do 1 M+ on them all weekly (most are doing 15’s or higher now)). I’m not even sure I would declare I have a main (I haven’t raided in 9.1) at this point, just 1 toon I pushed KSM on first.

Though I do really hate the change requiring me to get KSM on every toon I want to upgrade my gear to 12/14 on (yes it’s 12 of 14, not 12 of 12 like displayed, the 2 hidden levels are just hidden in the vault).

And for the record by definition, I’m a casual. All my toons are in my own guilds, I pug all my keys.

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I’m perfectly happy in my slightly above Normal raid gear. I remember getting a bunch of forged pieces from WQs in BfA from just killing one normal mob and ending up at a Heroic ilevel. It felt wrong.

No… very few actually have asked for this. But people consistently use it as a false argument and it caught on as if it’s the norm that everyone asks for.


Well said. To be honest, I feel like casual/solo players deserve a little better than Korthia gear in a 9-10 month patch, but if this is all they want only a really mean person can argue.


I read a post written by a 70 year old that broke my heart and I felt so bad about what I have always said in regards to this topic.

We assume just because we are of able body/mind that everyone else is and they are just lazy and entitled. Sure, there is that demographic, but there are grandmas that play this game and they might not have much going on irl to keep them occupied.

Give them normal raid gear and a chance to get heroic level raid gear by the end of a patch. They aren’t trying to play with you anyways.


You should talk to some of the people whose Normal raiding guilds are dying or dead because Blizzard hands out loot like candy everywhere else.

Because those are heartbreaking, too.


I can assure you I can find more threads asking for it than threads by reasonable players like yourself. And yes I know forum visitors are a very small fringe sample of the player base.

Oops. I meant during BfA.

Not a chance. The reason casual guilds that raided normal have died is because Blizzard upped the requirement for commitment to more like heroic. People who used to just show up and invite their friends can’t do that unless they and their friends meet the requirements, a commitment to way more grinding than previously.

The idea that casuals are getting way better than raid gear rained on them from many different sources is a sick joke that makes you sound nothing but clueless.

Yes, it’s heartbreaking what blizzard did to normal raiding to make you elitists happy. And yet you whine on because you won’t be happy until only the top few % remain, and all casuals quit because they’re tired of being the butt of every elitist’s whining.


I feel more bad for people that struggle interacting with others or have reasons they play solo than people that lose raid teams. I thought people raided for the social aspect?