Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists

The power of science will protect me.
And I am just asking questions!

Can’t say I blame him. Dude has a wound in his chest that’s a constant reminder. :wolf:


I’m going to hazard a guess that with his total absence in the raid (so far), it seems more likely that that Glowing Blue McGuffin the Jailor used for his weapon Anduin is what’s left of Arthas. In sort of a Ner’zhul being fashioned into the Helm of Domination sort of way. But this time for Anduin. Arthas is going to have some influence on the comings and goings of this story with how many Arthas/ICC/WotLK parallels we’re getting. Its just not going to be in 9.1 in any overt way.


Do you think Arthas may have a hand in helping Anduin recover?

I hope not. As much as I love him, Arthas was pretty irredeemably evil. Whatever little humanity he had left is long gone by now. (In my opinion anyway) :wolf:

Hmm … I don’t think so. Because Arthas himself was never able to “recover”.

At best, you could say in some small ways he “resisted” certain facets of Ner’zhul and I guess the Jailor’s influence. So he might aid Anduin in certain resistances to the Jailor’s thrall. Actually freeing and rescuing Anduin however is VERY unlikely to come from an “internal” force (of which Arthas would be if he was that gem). Rather, its going to have to come from something external to fully save him.

And if I’m right that Sylvie is going to get the Denathrius treatment (and perhaps more) from the Jailor during the resolution of her fight; SHE might contain the insight we need to actually deny the Jailor his new weapon. Anduin. She was intimately involved in many elements of that weapon’s creation by the looks of things at least.


Headcannon I know, but I was just watching the Chains of Domination cinematic again and the part where Anduin says No, he is bound to me his voice sounds uncannily like Arthas for a brief moment.

(I think like Arthas, Anduin has more than one voice in his head wrestling for control)

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That’s the route I’m guessing they’re going to go with it too. He’s had plenty of kind of forced Arthas parallels himself in aesthetics at least. And with what shattered remains of Ner’zhul there are being a boss in the raid (poor guy), Arthas had to go somewhere. He is probably a part of this new “Lich King Anduin” thing going on.


I don’t think there’s enough evidence to conclude they’re going to go that route yet but it could be interesting considering Arthas’ prior relationships with Varian and Jaina.


Exactly. As well as Uther’s doubling back when he first see’s Anduin. There actually is a fairly interesting story to be told here with this weird Mood Ring of a Dark Anduin; IF Arthas himself has been turned into Anduin’s Ner’zhul.

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I think of myself as a pretty big Sylvanas fan, and I can tell you that watching Sylvanas pwn the Lich King was like a one night stand with a stranger. It was fun to watch, but it felt really wrong afterwards- to the point where you just want to take a shower and re-think your life.

The disappointment had nothing to do with the sexes. As Sylvanas points out, she beats a Lich King who was ‘unfit to wear this crown’. She beat the Lich King, but Bolvar was a beta-lich king, pretending to the frozen throne. The Lich King was trivialized (if emasculated is too mysogynistic for you) in order to set up this expansion.
Bolvar began to show signs in Legion that were surprisingly nasty. Now, I will grant that it would probably be “bad writing” to have a WotLK 2.0, but… that wouldn’t be any worse that what they actually did with Battle For Azeroth.
The Lich King felt dangerous again. But instead, what we got for shadowlands was basically a you tube video of somebody taking a lvl 120 into ICC to farm invincible.

And I couldn’t imagine Arthas coming back for “reasons” to beat Bolvar. I think most people like his character/arc. You don’t see people arguing about that on the forum (except for the weird Arthas-snuff-Sylvanas people) much- and I think it would just be ridiculous.

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I doubt it.

And it really sucks that these serious issues in the world are co-opted for situations where they don’t apply. This is what makes people not take it seriously.

What? Lots of people of been against all of those people. Only edgelord side with any of them, including Sylvanas.

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wow, and here I thought Luxio calling me a stalker was bad. Calling someone sexist for disagreeing is even worse.

we’re over it Denona, you’re here 6 hours too late

As I understand it she had hidden her sigil and it had been found and stolen.

I’m laughing so hard at a Night Elf saying this.

you realize I’m not actually a Night Elf right?

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You realize my comment was a joke right? Just like the idea of thinking Sylvanus is right.

Don’t bother replying btw, I just noticed your profile is hidden. Bye.


Ok, excellent.

So why does this questline show that Sylvanas is proven right, reasonable, and/or justified?

But Sylvanas condemning all souls, good and evil, to the Maw for eternal suffering and torment serves morally accepted concepts of justice, right?

I mean, it clearly wasn’t tho. The Drust are essentially all just Vrykul who have become twisted by their comstant misuse and abuse of death magics that frankly aren’t meant to be wielded by them in the way that they do so.

They aren’t cheated, there’s nothing that even remotely entitles these bloodthirsty fiends to be a part of Ardenwealds’ system, which is specifically designated for the reincarnation of Wilds Gods and other deities of nature.

In fact, they are literally trying to steal and subvert Ardenwealds system to suit their own selfish ends. Ardenweald doesn’t belong to them, Ardenweald belongs to the Winter Queen and those who lived in defense of nature.

What “peril”? The Winter Queen has done nothing but make tough decisions to preserve her realm. How do you know some of these good souls like Ursoc just simply have more anima than vile souls like Hakkar and Dambala?

Ursoc has died 3 separate times defending the world, meanwhile Hakkar has done nothing but try to taint it. Perhaps doing your duty as a wild god in life is what produces more anima for when they die and go to Ardenweald. After all the measure of Anima a soul has is accumulated depending on what kind of life they had lived, and Ursoc has been one of the fiercest defenders of the wilds in Azeroths’ history.


Supposedly, so say the eternal ones. But we know Maldraxxus may be an entity in and of itself. Oribos is clearly part of Korthia.

If the theory that the Eternal Ones “took over” the Shadowlands and aren’t actually its creators (which let’s be honest, the purpose and all of that is clearly false) holds true than I could totally see the Drust being the original inhabitants of Ardenweald.

We already know Denathrius is a liar, and the Archon and Winter Queen have been anything but forthcoming about Zovaal.

There are twists and turns yet to come in this drama.

EDIT: It’s interesting that the Winter Queen’s domain begins to fall apart and the Drust begin reclaiming the land the second the anima tap is turned off. Not a very well conceived system really.

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