Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists

Wasn’t Micah also caught puppeteering? It was an undead hunter called Kartsomething if I recall.

Not really.

Had something to do with the avatar. Idk, maybe I dreamed it all.
Sorry if this is just my imagination

Wild mess of a thread.

Nice to see Sylvanas still acknowledges her Loyalists. Dunno if any of the dialogue justifies anybodies choices, but if it make Luxio happy then good for them.

My questions is where are you guys getting this stuff since I’ve not seen any mention of it on Wowhead yet?


I was accused of it, but that’s as far as it went :wolf:

And no worries bud, you’re a pretty cool dude, one of the few straight shooters here.

Ptr is available to everyone. You could play it yourself if you wanted to, just download the PTR from blizzard.

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MMO Champ was the first site to report the changes, could check there too. :wolf:

That would mean having to go to Ardenweild though, and I hate going there unless I absolutely have to.

Besides, it sounds Night Fae exclusive. Is it not?

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It’s part of the convenant storyline I think since Tyrande is involved

What, the spoilers I was talking about in the main post?

No, main story. Everyone helps defend Ardenweald from Sylvanas.

Loyalists just can’t attack her, she stuns you if you are a loyalist. Says “Don’t interfere, I know you are better than this.”

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Nice to see blizz remembered the loyalist option from the last expac at least.


Werent those the same as the rebels except it was just “play along?”

At a certain point you could be cutting off Sylvanas’ head and she would still be telling you “yeah totally, play along, this allllll part of the plan ok?”


Maybe, it’s certainly possible. I never did the loyalist version, so I can’t really answer that. :wolf:

Please, just go play the Loyalist choice.

Stop acting like you know the story when you got your info second hand. It wasn’t that dumb, stop downplaying it as dumb. You just sound silly at this point.

It was a valid choice.
I’m glad to see that choice is still being honored in Shadowlands.

It’s becoming a bit silly to still make fun of the choice. There’s hundreds of thousands of other people who made the same choice.

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In your opinion.
I have a different opinion.


Yeah. I am not sure what to make of it. They suggested the Loyalist storyline was over after BfA and there wasn’t going to be any more of it in SL. But then this?

I wonder if it is one of those things they put in a PTR to see how if flies, and might or might not include it in live based on feedback? Or is it one of their fake outs? Or is the Loyalist Path going to actually have some consequences?

It sounds like those who chose the Loyalist Path are stunned - as in, they can’t change course. That is kind of neat, even if it has no benefit and might have actual drawbacks. Having Story choices that have such long term consequences for our Characters is intriguing.

It seems like they are tearing her down and doing everything they can to make the Playerbase lose any positive feelings towards her. I almost expect a whole patch based on Sylvanas torturing puppies and kittens to harness their screams. So I wonder why they would give her Loyalists a shout out?


Honestly? I have no idea. But they did say the 9.1 raid is going to have big changes/affects for the Shadowlands. Gut says she’ll be at our side in the final battle against death itself or something. That’s gonna upset quite a few people if it turns out to be true.

Steve Danuser said they were writing nuance and they want people to question if the Shadowlands is flawed.

Maybe they wanted people to gradually side with Sylvanas but the fanbase has already rejected her on whatever grounds and they refuse to see she’s anything but a villain.

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Honestly? I been flipping back and forth on sylvanas for a while now. What she did in BfA was horrible, but on the other hand, if Arthas didn’t do what he did to her, she wouldn’t be in this position to begin with, so I do sympathize with her on a certain level.

Which I think is the entire point of what blizz wants from people. I could be wrong though, but that’s my take on it. :wolf:

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