Ardenweald is entirely forest

Talk about arguing over pointless nothings. I can’t even fathom arguing with a person who even cares enough to speculate that something other than forests exist in Ardenweald.

Life is too short to waste on adults who still immaturely think that contrarianism is fun—or even respectable (which it is not).

Give a specific example.

I’m not against it, but it’s factually wrong. Ardenweald is for those associated with nature, for people all throughout the universe. If Ardenweald is supposed to be the Night Elf afterlife we would see Night Elves there before we rescue any from the Maw. For all the complaining about it seeming to be Night Elf themed, the only person from Azeroth who was sent there upon dying and who helps us is Huln Highmountain, a Tauren.

Thank you.

I find sheep to be less respectable. With how short life is, you’d think you’d save time doing something else instead of making a post insulting people. If you disrespect me because I don’t agree with everyone else that’s your problem.

I did. Elune sends her most beloved night elves to the beyond by turning them into stars.
I remind you that there is absolutely no race that Elune canonically loves more than Night Elves. They are Her chosen.

Ah, so it isn’t necessarily an emotional argument, just that you don’t see the evidence for it to be as Dreadmoore and others have stated. A zone with heavy similarities to NE themes but no actual evidence that it is the NE afterlife due to there not being many NEs there. (Baal said there was one he knew about)

Hmm, that brings me to:

So what, other than the obvious similarities in theme and style, makes you think that Ardenweald is really and truly the NE afterlife? To an outside observer who doesn’t have SL, I would easily see Ardenweald being the place for Nelfs, but are there souls there with NE shape or something? Or are we supposing that there is another, out of sight part of it(infinite parts of SL after all) that is for NEs?

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Nature loving souls go to Ardenweald and become animals.
Who loves nature more than night elves?
Who loves deciduous forests more than night elves?
Who loves night more than night elves?
Who loves stars more than night elves?

All of these things compound into one realm designed with night elves in mind. I remind you that before Shadowlands, the night elven afterlife was Azeroth as a wisp unless Elune loved you enough to turn you into stars.


So it is logical deduction then. Ok, cool. Thanks for taking the time to articulate your position. I really was confused as to your point going off just your OP.

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This is a controversy?


Most of the posts I made in this thread are operating on pure logic. If it’s undoubtedly proven that there’s no lakes or rivers in Ardenweald so be it. But just saying that there are twilight forests in Ardenweald isn’t enough.

I mean, yeah? Blizzard has shown time and time again that to them, nature = green lush forests, and they don’t really care to expand beyond that aspect of the thematic. Every desert in WoW is a former jungle that underwent a great cataclysm despite deserts being a wholly natural landscape that aren’t bad or evil or wrong or anything.

As a result you get the Winter Queen ruling over a land of eternal spring and summer, a zone themed around death where everything seems as alive as is physically possible.


I tried to build a building…I made a tree… so now the Heart of the Forest is a tree…

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Every time I mow the lawn, I somehow manage to club myself in the head with a tree branch and somewhere out there, I know it’s a night elf’s fault.


Could’ve had one of the Tirna trees be a rainforest subzone, maybe another tirna is a beach/ocean area with a palm tree tirna, etc

The problem is not Life = Forest, the problem is Life = Western European/US/Canadian Forest, specifically, which is thematically tiring

Which is a larger issue of Shadowlands, but well


What did your spirit and ancestor covenant look like?

In my idea a few months back? Was imagining a zone that was actually visibly infinite and was just sort of a temple per race-that-worships-ancestors

so there would be a Zanchuli Temple, a Shrine of the Storms, etc, with that aesthetic in the immediate area around it

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I always felt bad for L’ghorek, the crustacean (?) ancient in Vashj’ir who was killed by the Twilight’s Hammer. I was hoping to see his appearance in Ardenweald, or at least a reference to his spirit being contained in a wildseed. He would be at home in a kelp forest with a kelp tirna!

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?? What wildseed?

I don’t have any serious skin in the game, but I am curious about this topic. And yet… I don’t see the arguments or correlations being discussed.

Lets say Ardenweald is just a sliver of Night Elf High Fantasy, turnt up to 11 - with intergalactic supercosmic Afterlife touches. Which I think is the case. Why does that mean Ardenweald had to be entirely a forest? Night Elves have the Magical side as well as the High Society/Regimented Military aspects that can almost be entirely separated from Elune -Azshara tried.

I guess I didn’t expect Ardenweald to have polar ice caps… but, why not? Or grasslands? If Ardenweald is the Forest Afterlife… Would “the plains” or “the grasslands” be a different Afterlife that Cairne might be in?

I do wonder about it.


Reminder that the Irish Diaspora is global and also Irish myths expanded through both Catholic Empire and British Empire

My fairies in Colombia lived in the rainforest and stole fruit and bread.

(We had an Irish Diaspora because Ireland supported Bolivar in our revolutionary wars)

They could’ve used this opportunity to investigate how different fairies “changed” in folklore around the world as Irish myths spread and were internalized.

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Even being “entirely forest”, it could have sections that part from the more common Euro-centric fantasy - with themes based on the legends of those native to the forests in North America. Or rain forests, like you mentioned.

Even being entirely a forest doesn’t mean Ardenweald has to be limited to being “just another Night Elf zone”. Yet, that seems to be the case.


ITT, I learned all forest content is night elf content.