Ardenweald is entirely forest

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That doesn’t say it’s entirely forest.

It doesn’t describe any other setting. Only forests.
Forest are all you can see. Even through the mists, it’s still only forests popping through the clouds.
And it’s named Ardenweald.


Why wouldn’t it? What you can make out from the horizon is more forest, apparently both Arden and Weald mean forest, some of the NPCs even talk of the place being a forest, and the covenant base is even called the Heart of the Forest.


There’s still more of the book yet to be seen. We might see only forests in game but there’s more of Ardenweald that we can’t go to. A weald is a heavily wooded area, not an entirely wooded area.

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Elwynn Forest is also a forest, there’s still more than forest there.

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Well I’ll have to take your word for it because I don’t know my way around Elwynn Forest, but so what? The topic’s about Ardenweald. If there IS non-forest stuff, it’s neither shown or even alluded to as far as I can tell. And I think that makes speculation on what-could-be-out-there worthless.


The argument is that Ardenweald is entirely wooded because of its name. If that’s the basis for the argument, it can be seen that there are other areas in game that have parts of them which don’t entirely pertain to their names.

It’s not alluded to that there isn’t non-forest stuff either. There are no statements from anyone declaring that there isn’t.

I guess every thread that’s about speculation should be deleted.

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We always knew Ardenweald was all forest.


Some night elf fans ineffectually tried to claim “We don’t know what’s beyond the mists.”
Now we canonically do. It’s all forest.


No it’s not. That’s just you simplifying it because Dreadmoore and I pointed out the name as one of several reasons to back up the impression that Ardenweald is Oops All Forests. His first post doesn’t even bring up the name at all, and links to a screenshot of an excerpt only talking about Ysera being bound to twilight forests.

You kinda need something to speculate, though. If the only argument is trying to prove a negative, there really isn’t an argument to be had.


Were some insisting there was a beach or desert elsewhere?

Lol man people are so coy and trash


No claim was made other than “it’s not all forest!!”

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Because no one knows what’s beyond the mists, we don’t have any detailed information about what’s there. A statement about Ysera sharing the fate of its twilight forests doesn’t confirm that it’s all forests, just that forests are there.

That’s the tactic Dreadmoore used when he linked the definition of weald.

He brought it up in a later post.

This is ridiculous. The entire zone we do have is forest. There is no desert. No tundra. No beach. There is zero ecological diversity in Ardenweald.


This is bad?

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The part of the zone we visit ingame is, but we can’t go to all of Ardenweald. There are probably lakes that are around which we don’t see ingame since the players would have no purpose for seeing them. I don’t mean to suggest that there are other ecologies to Ardenweald but I am suggesting that there might be more to the zone than we can see.

This is ridiculous and I think you know it.

The intent of Ardenweald is Magic Deciduous Forest relying on western euro, specifically Irish/English (with some Greek overtones), fantasy. At most some streams, there’s a watefall, some marshes, and some fields within this forest.

It is not meant to be ecologically diverse. It’s a specific body of fantasy with a specific aesthetic. It is not desert, tundra, canyon, or what have you.


Yep. The most important afterlife that is allegedly so that wild gods of all types (not just Night Elven wild gods of Night Elven Ashenvale) would have a place to regenerate – or stay, if their world is destroyed.

Sea turtles
Polar bears
etc, etc

all lack their own biome to go to because Night Elven Ardenweald was crafted via the Night Elf Winter Queen to be a new rendition of Night Elven Ashenvale with Night Elven World Trees and Stars falling from their boughs.