No, but rather:
Ardenweald would be greatly improved had it had ecologic diversity.
Again: 3 Tirnas being temperate, 3 Tirnas being tropical, and 3 tirnas maybe being “extreme” (one tirna desert, one tirna tundra, divided by a mountain tirna)
No, but rather:
Ardenweald would be greatly improved had it had ecologic diversity.
Again: 3 Tirnas being temperate, 3 Tirnas being tropical, and 3 tirnas maybe being “extreme” (one tirna desert, one tirna tundra, divided by a mountain tirna)
It certainly is when:
What areas of the Horde does this allow the night elves to capture?
takes a shot
would you prefer “communities that settled in Latin America post revolution that aided in the revolutionary war because they realized Ireland was going to be screwed over by the English and so chose to stay in this newer land of opportunity that was Catholic and vibed with the various local communities”
I can’t speak for anyone else, but
I would.
You mean outside of the fact that every night elf soul that we save in torgast go exclusively into Ardenweald and nowhere else? Or the fact that the Ardenweald story seem to be more about saving night elf and Tyrande than about saving Ardenweal itself?
And of course NE poster come here either still blindly trying to claim that the zone isn’t about NE or even asking why is it a problem when they would be the first one to make 100 thread every week if the NE would have got the troll treatment in Ardenweald…
Reading this, I think you people are obsessed with causing Night Elves and the people who play them pain.
Mostly just NEFPA who utterly refused to act like basic human beings in regards to Horde players who objectively lost more in one expansion than night elves ever have since WC3.
I mean, you haven’t - but keep trying to cast your domination party in that light so that you can avoid the consequences of such.
It’s a clever trick, I’ll give it that.
Sure I have.
Just not in over a year.
Uh huh.
Look, I can appreciate the concerns of Horde players, but not when they ignore other issues, and not when they are as narcissistic and delusional as you.
The new fascist label.
The flak is at its heaviest when you’re over the target, I suppose.
You rely on labels/ad hominem like my dad does his crutches.
If the label was inaccurate, you would demonstrate that. Instead you simply validate it.
Not sure where you’re getting my inflated sense of self importance from, but you do you, Kyalin.
I don’t see self-importance as being a factor. Nor fascism frankly - you introduced both ideas into the conversation and seemed to paint yourself with both without my assistance. The only item I brought in was narcissism, which I think applies as well.
How are we going to weigh the losses?
D-do you not know what a narcissist is?
If you’re going to label people to ad hominem them because your argument is wrong, you should maybe take five seconds to google the word before you use it.