Ardenweald is entirely forest

As is yours, so split the difference?

Not even. I provide sources for my claims.
You flounder and lie.

I hear the sky on a clear day is blue!

Was there a point beyond stating the incredibly obvious?

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Hahaha, what sources? Iā€™M the one providing quotes and links to my sourcesā€¦ the best you could come up with were deflectionsā€¦ shouting insults at various posters and trying to dismiss their claims (some of them with sources) because they do not support your Nelf bias narrative, you know who ELSE has a night and magical tree aesthetic? Nightborne. They also have: floral pools, floating books, and magicā€¦ all things weā€™ve seen in Ardenweald. They have a whole school for Astromancy and Suramar is always in perpetual night.

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And you wonder why youā€™re called a liar.

I have put up links to my sources, so calling me a liar is AGAIN, an unfounded insultā€¦is that ALL you have now? Insults?

I just provided an example where you didnā€™t.

And if you look up, I provided a link and quotes to my sources, you canā€™t deny something everyone can see with their own eyes, thatā€™s just pitiousā€¦ everyone can see where Iā€™ve quoted sources and even where I put up a link where possible. You yourself have SEVERAL equally unfounded claims in the thread. Youā€™re hardly winning the debate by denying reality and tossing ad hominemsā€¦

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You havenā€™t provided a link once, even when you notated a source.

How did a thread as pointless as this one get 200 post. Why do people care that the forest zone is a forest, what benefit is there to arguing there isnt forest in parts of ardenweald.

Seriously why do so many people care about this.

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That is where youā€™re wrong, thereā€™s a link in my post at 143ā€¦ so you ARE a liar sir, one caught in the actā€¦

Iā€™ve got a billionty people on ignore, so my post 143 is not your post 143.
Link the post.

Iā€™ve no doubt as many probably have ignored you as well, likely both have their reasons for mutual silencing, as for the post, I need not post it again, youā€™ve ALREADY replied to it, which means you have seen itā€¦

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Your hesitance to link it makes me wonder if it has a giant edit sign next to it. Not that it matters.

Sources is plural.

I canā€™t link media, especially from a prior post, however you likely know this, and as stated, you replied to it, which means you know EXACTLY the link Iā€™m referring to, you really are getting desperate arenā€™t you? Such childishness honestlyā€¦

You can link forum posts though.
Everyone can do that.
You can also use ` around both sides of a url to make it postable.
But you already knew that, right?
Since youā€™ve been linking your sources?

If someone wanted to be sticklish, Tirna Scithe or the lands cleared out by the Gorm qualify as forest any longer.


Didnā€™t work, still says ā€œcanā€™t post mediaā€ā€¦ so what now? Everyone else sees it, and as pointed out youā€™ve replied to it, not like you can deny itā€™s thereā€¦


Tried that, again, it did not workā€¦