Ardenweald is entirely forest

Being the Nightwarrior is something ONLY a very high priestess or priest of Elune can do, according to Tyrande, and it’s stated non-worshippers even so much as witnessing (looking upon) the transformation ritual is life threatening, this proves that the people of Fyzandi were heavily into worshipping Elune for the ritual to have been carried out at all.

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Okay? That doesn’t mean that the priest’s race is Elune’s favored. We know who that is: Night Elves.

Yes there is. We’ve had Word of God that the night elves were Elune’s chosen for years, if not over a decade.

We don’t even know Fyazandi’s race’s name.

You’re excused.

She also favored Trolls at some point, as she taught them language and also helped them as well.

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"Indeed, she taught the dark trolls words [in Titan] such as “Kalimdor”’.-Elune, WoWpedia

It also states that The temple of Elune was moved to Suramar, so the Highborne/Nightborne are/were also worshippers of Elune.

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That doesn’t state that trolls were her favorite race.

She communed directly with them, gave them language, and even evolved them into the Night Elves… I’d say that’s pretty favored no?

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Blizzard’s never said that trolls were her favorite race. She’s communed with a lot of races. Hell, she’s communed and aided the Horde in Desolace.

Exactly, she has aided many races, almost as much as she has the Night Elves, including the Nightborne as the Highborne, every single race that worships Elune seems to value themselves as her primary worshippers, as demonstrated by the Tauren mythology.

Because his point is literally “forests and stars” is inherently night elf.

You made a claim again.
You need to prove it.

You want me to prove she’s helped the Tauren? Just read the lore, I assume you’re not blind…

“The Earth Mother wished for her twins to share the love and happiness she felt at seeing their growth, and so created the shu’halo (tauren).”-Elune, WoWpedia, Tauren lore subsection.

I would also like to point out that the “world trees” are not the only trees which are on Azeroth, the Nightborne have: Astromancers, Arcan’dor (magical energy absorbing trees), etc… in fact I’d argue that parts of Ardenweald lean far closer to Nightborne thematically like the books in the archives that magically float around. The Arcan’dor trees even look and behave strikingly similar to the ones of Ardenweald…

Is that actually a confirmed thing or just a legend? I thought the current (also unconfirmed) theory was that they evolved the boring way by spawning off of the Pandaren’s ox wild god.

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Just the legend supposedly, there’s also one that Cenarius taught the Tauren first, but I doubt either is true, just claims the Tauren like all cultures make about originating from their “gods”…

If I recall correctly, one of the Chronicles books said that Cenarius was trying to teach them how to be druids, but the then-yaungol were impatient and wanted to move onto better hunting grounds, so they kinda dropped out of druid school and didn’t keep any of the practice going. Any druidism the tauren have now came exclusively from learning from the night elves.

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That’s not what you said. Quit moving the goalposts.

You must establish everything she’s done for the night elves, and then correlate what she’s done for the other races to confirm your hypothesis that “Elune has aided the other races almost as much as she has the Night Elves.”

Well, let’s see here: supposedly created the Tauren according to their myths (the same as she did by turning Trolls into Night Elves), gave the pre-Elf Trolls magic and taught them language, gave Fyzandi a Nigh warrior, etc. I have not moved the goal posts, I stated she has helped many races almost as much as she has the Night Elves, and this is true from my above examples. All in all Elune has been fairly negligent with the Night Elves recently, she even lets hundreds if not thousands of them burn at Teldrassil… Elune was even prepared to honor Tyrande’s death pact had we not put her in a pod to preserve her (we still have to do the ritual to disperse the energy, otherwise she’ll eventually die like Thiernax and the others).

If you’re not even going to try to get assuredly canon information, this discussion is over.
Tauren came from the Yaungol.

But where did the Yaungol come from?

Don’t know. Nothing has been canonically stated, so your argument is off to a nose dive.