The Silver Circle is a guild of keen-eyed kaldorei who stand vigil over their people, ever alert for the rise of new enemies or the resurgence of old. We stand ready to heed the call to arms against the foes of the Alliance or those who despoil nature or corrupt Kalimdor.
We offer a friendly and intimate atmosphere, where guild members and allies are engaged and work together to help add to the guild story and the overall feeling of immersion in the role-play community. We strive for an open, pleasant, and fun environment, and welcome members who will add to this, and embrace the tone we already have.
Type of Guild: Religious/Adventuring Order
# of Events: Up to 4 events per week (no mandatory events)
Roster: Cap of 50 members (excluding alts)
Guild Medium(s): Guild Site, Tumblr, Discord
RP Base: Lightsong, Valâsharah /or/ various settlements
Isil Elunâfalo (Silver Flame of Elune) by Sharm, Darnassian lyrics by the Silver Circle.

In-character, members of the Silver Circle strive to fulfill Eluneâs will for the world by following a code and set of core values. Their objectives to fulfill Eluneâs will are as follows:

Defend the Kaldorei
Stand in defense of the kaldorei people against internal or external threats.
Uphold the Oath to Elune
Cleanse threats to nature or the will of the Goddess.
Honor the Alliance
Answer honorable calls to arms, should the Alliance be attacked.
Out-of-Character, members also follow a code and set of core values. Specifically, members are expected to set an example of good role-playing and social integrity. They seek to engage as many other players as possible in a way that creates an enjoyable and immersive experience for all.

As a Kaldorei themed heavy role-play guild, we cater to a healthy blend of gritty realistic and more lighthearted role-playing styles that fit in the World of Warcraft universe. We like new members to show enthusiasm for their characters and a willingness to role-play within the guildâs theme and Warcraft setting in general.
What We Look For
Active participants who engage with guild stories, or are willing to be storytellers.
Individuals with a preference and enthusiasm for night elf themes.
Genuine individuals who are well mannered, considerate, and interested in making new friends.
We Donât Accept
Inactive players/characters
Evil, abusive, or corrupt characters (such as Demon Hunters or Deathknights)

For those who wish to learn more about the Silver Circle, or who are interested in joining, we invite you to visit our guild website at: silvercircle.shivtr.com
to learn about our recruitment process!
Use our Guestbook forum to introduce yourself, ask questions. Please visit our About tab for more details about the guild.
Guild Site
Guild FAQ
Guild Rules
RP Guides
Guild Tumblr