Arcanite Reaper

Lame people: Why is this server so dead?!

Same Lame people: I’m gonna transfer.

If you stuck around instead of leaving at the first sign, maybe it wouldn’t be such an issue. Can’t see why ANYONE would wanna play on a server with so many people you literally cannot do anything out in the world. If you need to constantly recruit players, maybe you should take a long look at how you treat the people who left your guild? You act like jerks, people aren’t gonna wanna play with you, and if you play like trash, nobody is gonna want to join.

I’ve been on a mega server, its awful.


You didn’t HAVE paid transfers originally. Does no one remember that paid transfers are what caused dead servers? People would all leave. Then faction transfer opened up the same problem, suddenly a server that’s 45% alliance and 55% horde would become 90% horde. This is a BLIZZARD created problem. The original vanilla experience had blizzard dictating server balance, and that’s why servers weren’t dead.


Umm… no they did not


Making a lot of assumptions there. I’m not asking for a mega server either, just one that you occasionally meet someone while questing. Go to barrens on arcanite reaper, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone to quest with. That certainly wasn’t my vanilla experience.

That is because people weren’t completing everything possible to do in the game a week after the content is released back in 2005/2006. People are burning through the content and are only logging on to raid or when new content is released.


I would LOVE to hear how “Blizzard dictated server balance” in vanilla. Please explain!!!

Thats cause most of the playerbase is at level cap, this happened on MANY vanilla servers in 2004-2006, it was common.

There is also the issue that alts and some newer players joining the server with friends who are established are being power-leveled these days at a higher rate then back in vanilla. Also, even if someone rolls and plays normally, they aren’t in the barrens for more than like 1-2 days. Do you really need groups to do barrens quests? Like for real? Judging the server health by barrens is odd. It only takes like 2-3 weeks to from from 1 to 60 if you know what you’re doing, which most do.

You can’t stop servers from eventually becoming top heavy with 60’s, it happens to them all eventually.


Literally the same thing they did in the launch of classic. paid transfers wasn’t an option. Only ‘event-like’ situations where they offered free transfers to specific realms from specific realms. If alliance population dipped on a server, they would offer alliance free xfers to that realm.

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Which was obviously terrible if you look at how phase 2 was. They did not dictate anything. They just let everyone create whatever they wanted on whatever server they wanted, regardless of server balance. This is not dictating. This is allowing US to create our own server dynamics which we failed miserably at because the majority of people decided to roll horde for whatever reason ( better racials, more edgy races, etc…). Paid transfers were a way of placating and making money off of the severly outnumbered players on pvp servers that couldn’t get to a dungeon without being ganked 15 times by a whole raid of the other faction. Of course you didn’t see it from this perspective since you are on the overwhelming faction. Also allowing paid transfers is smart from a business perspective. The players still have to CHOOSE to take that transfer which makes it a problem created by the players.

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Wrong on several counts. 1. They did not launch classic well with how many servers they had available they were immediately full, even creating several more, they were immediately full. So using that as a metric is moronic, but also missing the point. 2. “Paid transfers were a way of placating and making money off of the severly outnumbered players” have you not paid attention to anything in the gaming industry? This is not how you create a happy player base. It’s been showed a thousand times in a thousand different ways. Some of the biggest examples are from blizzard itself. 3. Making assumptions again, I was not on the overwhelming faction. Literally earlier in this post someone from alliance on AR mentioned that alliance were dominant. Lack of attention to detail. 4. When you create rules that are abused, it is not the person’s fault for abusing them, it’s yours for making the rules incompetently. It is a problem created by blizzard.

They server I created my character on was NEVER full even on launch day. Not blizzards fault that everyone decided to flock to the “popular” servers that asmongold etc. were on.

If you think a company like Blizzard cares about “happy player base” any further than how much money they can get out of you, then you need to wake up.

That wasn’t your vanilla experience because WoW was constantly getting new players back then. The people that came back for classic all started from release and it has been bleeding players ever since.

Back then there was a influx of new players as word of mouth and advertising about the game spread. You can’t re-create that.


I actually didn’t start playing WoW immediatly on release. I played EQ until I just got completely burned out on running the same 8 hour raids on EQ over and over. Finally I gave WoW a try and never logged on to EQ ever again. I am sure there are plenty of other people who started in that manner. I actually tried to resist playing a new game due to the countless hours I put into EQ pretty much being completely wasted if I stopped playing.

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You also can’t change that as a low pop server the two main reasons ppl took free transfers to AR was queue times and faction imbalance. There wasn’t a huge faction imbalance in vanilla.

A lot of the ppl that moved to AR did for two reasons. Queue times and faction imbalance, since horde dominated most realms, the ppl that changed realms because of faction imbalance to AR were alliance.

It is a player created problem.

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The easy solution is to combine the lowest pop server with the second lowest pop server, to create a somewhat low pop server. I’m not asking for a miracle, i’m asking for bare minimum. I don’t know of many people that came to AR for faction imbalance, most people came here (as it was literally created for this purpose.) as an overflow for 3 of the main servers that were experiencing 8+ hour queue times. Also, i don’t mind an imbalance of horde to alliance, i just want to actually see peopl in the MMO. I don’t care if it’s to PK or to group up, the place is dead as a doornail. As for Azzuree, your overarching ideaology seems to be “shut up, accept that things are bad.” which if that’s the case, please take your own advice. I on the other hand want to be heard.

I did that once a few months back before Heartseeker Horde nearly disappeared, I never got a response.

I’ll speak for my personal experience as AR horde. There are not very many options for raiding on horde side, and it can be hard to build dungeon groups.

Also, I ran a scan of the horde AH yesterday and it had under 5k items listed. I also checked the neuteal ah and it just had a few green hills pages and that’s it. It can be hard to sell stuff unless you practically give it away.

Out in the world you occasionally run into other players. It has the same feel my low pop vanilla realm, Boulderfist, did.

Careful friend! You’re about to run into the many people that will at every turn claim that Medium population servers have more people playing on them than any Full Vanilla realm did.

Now, obviously things change and Blizzard’s statement about Medium realms is no longer true. There are some of us that understand that and can look at the data and realize that many Medium population servers are really struggling.

There’s only two things that can happen from this point on:

1.) You transfer or reroll.
2.) Blizzard merges realms.

There’s close to zero chance that we’ll ever see a sudden influx of new players to reinvigorate the dead and dying servers.

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Oh? Go on. What mechanical change would lead to servers having less capacity now? Why is it “obvious” that that’s happened?

Ah. I see. When you say “obviously” and “data,” you mean “what I desperately want to pretend is true for some reason.” You have no actual argument, but you sure can pontificate condescendingly about how right you are.

You do realize they changed what a Low, Medium; High or Full population realm signifies multiple times, right?

I look at the data I obtain by scanning Medium population realms at prime-time. Most of those realms are sub 2k at prime-time.

You were wrong, it’s okay dear.

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