PVP Servers (i.e. Stalagg) - Need solutions

Led gardium leviosa

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Because most people don’t want a fair world PvP situation. Not really. They talk a good game, but they like winning, above all. There’s no shame in that. It is only human, after all. But we should be honest about it. There’s a reason why entire swathes of people will never pick up Sekiro or Dark Souls, and even among those who do, there are many who will never finish the games. High-difficulty isn’t for everyone. WoW is a casual game, and appeals more to the people who like winning, rather than those who want hardcore PvP.


I don’t want my server to be merged with a larger one. I like playing on a smaller server and getting an actual Vanilla experience. Players who don’t like their server balance should transfer off.


I understand your point, but you are asking a 9000 players server to transfer if they want a pvp experience, which they don’t have right now. I’m sure we can find a solution

Yeah, the population just needs to spread itself better, that’s all.

Medium pop servers today are larger than the full servers of vanilla. Blizz quote.

I doubt mergers will happen anytime soon. But I really feel for Stallag.

Blizzard isn’t going to do that. They aren’t going to come down and say, “Well, Harry, you can’t play with Ron and Hermione, because there’s too many people who want to be Gryffindor, so we’re going to make you go Hufflepuff. They need more people.” That works in MOBAs and FPS shooters, because those games are designed as competitive matches. WoW is an open world RPG at its heart, and PvP is an addon.


I think that’s not correct.
It looks very much like they got their data from ironforge.pro, which draws its data from warcraftlogs. Therefore, the numbers being shown are simply that of raiding level 60s with logs available on WCL. That absolutely does not take into account the entire number of active players on each server.

Or to reroll to avoid the tax.

There are other solutions, but it really depends on the amount of effort someone is willing to put in.

I suppose a big question is though, if you are able to roll on either faction on any server, then the power to solve whatever problem you have is in your own hands, without taking choice away from others.

However, transfers, in general, have seemingly done more harm than good in the eyes of some (myself included. I personally wish transfers were just flat out not a thing in Classic, but they are). So, since we have population dynamics that have changed (seemingly) as a result of transfers, which were enabled by Blizzard, is/should Blizzard do something to resolve any perceived issues that are caused by them?

I think we would want to consider a couple of things, such as:

  1. are there really any problems?
  2. would any potential solution not cause more problems?

I disagree. I think that having 9000 ez mode zergling players stuck on a 90% horde dominated server is a perfect solution. You reap what you sow and you are now stuck on a containment server, removing you from the real pvp servers and allowing some degree of balance on the other servers. You had your fun when you hunted down the outnumbered alliance to extinction in phase 2, now pay the price.

I started on Herod. I was given a beautiful experience in phase 2 by the Herod horde zerg. Now I am on Grobbulus, a balanced server. And it is only balanced because the horde zerg is stuck on Skeram, Stalagg, Herod instead.


I like how you bring up your ideas, but I think the situation is a little different. Merging if not asking people to change faction (or houses), it’s about creating en environment where player can keep their actual charathers, and actually play against the other faction

As the Horde PvP server players exceed Alliance PvP server players, I don’t think redistributing Horde players is very helpful - it will just cause all PvP servers to be faction imbalanced in favour of the Horde.

As has been stated a number of times, this is a player created problem (too many PvP players wanting the better racials). Either they re-roll or they rot on a few faction destroyed servers. I don’t want all PvP servers to be tainted.


And what do they do with people who have the same name? The same guild name? What about the people who were happy being on lower-population servers? What about the people who transferred away from that server to escape a toxic environment?

You aren’t thinking about the implications of a merge on anything but your experience. If you really care about faction balance that much, lead by example and reroll as Alliance.


This is why “git gud, server transfer or reroll or quit” are bad “solutions” to PvP problems. Because, uh, people server transfer or reroll or quit. Now you have this.

“Playermade problems” is a meaningless distinction. Part of the job of a developer is to guide player choice. Players are not going to take responsibility for the overall health of the game, and they are not going to make choices with that sort of morality in mind. If something like this, or the AV crapshow, is going to be fixed, it’s going to require Blizzard to intervene. There are plenty of solutions to the problem (giving bonuses of some sort to underpopulated realms/factions, etc). But it’s probably too late, and none of the changes will get passed the “warts and all” mentality, anyway.

Having said that, I just rolled Horde on Heartseeker and if they made the server more “balanced”, I would be annoyed.


So my understanding of your toughts is that there are way too much horde players anyway, and we will put the on different servers so they cannot break balance in other servers. Would be nice if we could have numbers from Blizz about that.

And Skeram Alliance caused a major imba on HS, now there is about as my horde on HS than alliance on Skeram.

Why not merge both? Id love to see the Skeram refugees that abused the free transfers back where they started.

It is clear tho that come AQ, alliance will need to open the gates with 2nd accnts on horde HS.

you cause this
you did this
your actions have consequences
you killed your server, now deal with it


I’m on Heartseeker and it’s down to 18.5% horde after paid server xfers. Every day I log on there’s a new horde guild xferring off. World/LFG chat has been reduced to complaining about a “dying server”. It’s quite sad.



Didn’t realize Emma was THAT powerful.

Stallag has it worse than Heartseeker which I never thought be possible.

Heartseeker and Stallag should merge since they’re both medium pop servers then you’ll end up with a big healthy and balanced server.