Arcane charges not displaying correctly

Lately my ui is often displaying that I have all 4 arcane charges regardless of how many I actually have, even when I have none at all. It usually appears this way after casting barrage which is supposed to spend them all. I have deactivated all addons, so it’s not an addon error.

Also just a bit ago while testing, it appeared that I had the last arcane charge but didn’t have the first 3…so weird! Anyone else had any of these issues?


having the same bug


Yes, I’ve been seen this since the new talent system went in. It is also affecting rogue and druid combo points from what I’ve seen and others have posted.


I’ll corroborate; having the same problem as assassination and feral.

Maybe it has more to do with the new UI, but who knows with these bugs TBH.

I’m having this issue as well. It also happens to my feral druid and every rogue spec.

I’ve noticed it a few times when I cast Arcane Barrage and then seem to have four charges again.

Yeah, still a bug as of the 8th

i have noticed this a lot !!! either i dont get the charges at all or sometimes if i do get 4 stacks my damage and haste is still at 1 stack

Having a similar bug ui keeps showing 0 charges no matter how many i have

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Same problem as Peegirl

Same problem here. Use the standard UI from blizz. Having 4 stacks but shows 0. Sometimes having 0 stacks shows 4 stacks or 2 but when start casting it starts filling from the end or over the existing once. Such a mess. Had to install weak auras to track charges. Also, don’t you fellow mages think that Nether Tempest does toooooooo low damage? It’s like 0.7% of overall damage in mythic dungeons even if you constantly keep it on.

It definitely does too little damage even when used at 4 Arcane Charges each of which increases its damage by a whooping 70% and it’s still not enough to make a noticeable difference. Right now the only use for it is to trigger Arcane Echo during TotM. In that sense it’s a valuable talent because it increases your DPS output during your burst windows because of that synergy but as a standalone talent it’s pretty terrible.

Same issue here with my arcane mage. Been experiencing it for awhile and thought i might be going crazy, looked it up and paid really close attention to the arcane charges and yup it’s definitely bugged

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Nether Tempest damage is worth maintaining on AoE packs but yeah, ST or 2 targets it’s pretty weak as a standalone ability.

As for Arcane Charge display on the UI, yeah it’s 100% bugged; only workaround is to get a WeakAura to track how many you have.

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it’s an old bug. Try using some UI addon that would replace default

We’ve all found workarounds by now but the issue is that you can’t turn off the bugged default one and after spending years looking at it it’s kinda hard not to at least glance at it every once and again and it throws you off. It’s absolutely inexcusable that they haven’t fixed such a major bug yet. Completely unacceptable!


Same here. Sometimes I’m always showing zero arcane charges. Sometimes it’s normal. Almost seems to be location-specific? idk.

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Don’t worry they are banning Weak Auras in 10.1 so we will just have to keep track of them in our heads. Not sure what we are gonna do with talents that have a chance to grant extra charges. Just guess I suppose.

The fixed this in 10.1 (finally) and have a new graphic for arcane charges, for those who don’t know.

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I don’t think it’s worked correctly since DF launch and I have learned to not even look at the graphics to know how many charges I have, just track in my head.
Blizz don’t care enough to track it down and figure it out. And if it’s fixed in 10.1, we’ll have to wait and see.