Arachnophobia filter...seriously

It probably wasn’t alot of work to do. They already have toys which change your view to different things (like demons or corgis). They probably had a crab toy in the works and when they had people say it was triggering their Arachnophobia (which is a common phobia) it was probably simple to implement as a toggle.


Common phobia, but not to that degree.

may I ask exactly how you got over it? Curious if I can apply some of what you did to my own situation.

Still something easy to implement where we already have a plethora of toys which change all NPC’s into Demons, Corgis, and other manner of creatures since they already have the framework in place.

Most of the dev time on it was probably testing it on every single spider mob in game.

For example:


ive talked about my trypanophobia above and i could see how it would theoretically seep into games and affect my ability to play, but ive never encountered a sufficiently realistic example
if people with arachnophobia have the same reaction to spiders that i do with needles, im all for the filter

seeking help is a long process, its not a one and done deal


I just, kind of did. Like, I still will flip out when they’re physically on me, but I came to the rationalization that most of them are harmless; as long as I don’t bother them, they won’t bother me. And I’m so much stronger than them, that I hold their world and lives in my hands; how can I be scared in that situation? I feel more pity for them than fear.

Also, they share some behaviors with cats, which made them kind of cute.


seems like you did some “exposure therapy” which is currently what I’m doing…forcing myself into situations that will make me incredibly uncomfortable…but it’s a slow arduous process and I’m making progress which is the most important thing.

Thanks for sharing


some phobias can appear and disappear in weird ways

my father got hit with a very bad fear of heights and bridges around the time i was born, but very recently (within the past year or so) it just up and went away.

a 20 yr phobia just went poof, and he cant explain how or why


Yeah, I guess it was basically just exposure therapy without the intent of doing it. And even with them on me, it depends on their size and species. Like, little dudes I know are harmless I just find cute and try to get somewhere more safe.

Something like a wolf spider or which my dumb brain miscategorizes as a recluse or widow potentially? NOPENOPENOPENOPE.


interesting…I wouldn’t say I have a phobia against any particular bug but I thoroughly don’t like them…to the point where if I see one I have to clean the entire room they were in then take a shower…maybe I do have a phobia against bugs in general…

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Why do you care whether other people see crabs or spiders?


A phobia for bugs in general is actually a thing, which honestly is probably just an overly tuned flight response since so many of them carry chemical weaponry that were a threat to us in the past.

Mine was and still is less generalized, which I still find weird. Like, hate all types of Wolf spiders, but my brother has had to tell me on three separate occasions I can’t hold his pet Whip Scorpion.

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i generally dont kill spiders (the crime of being small is burnt in my head) but if a fairly large one finds its way in my room i might point it out to my cat

its the circle of life

depends on the bug

ones associated with filth (roaches are a big one) gross me out very badly, but not because of the bug, but rather because of what they indicate. images of them are fine, and my bio class in high school had giant hissing cockroaches that i thought were very cool.

i dont like blood sucking and biting insects either, but not to the point of irrational fear

spiders and other insects that just kind of sneak in depending on the season i dont mind so much

I’m allergic to Cockroaches, so they’re kill on sight for me if they’re nymphs. If an adult, I try to get them outside, but again, will default to kill on sight otherwise.

And feel no sadness putting out the super effective gel bait for them. It’s me or them.

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A spider filter???
That’s not inclusive!

ive seen 1 actual normal house roach in my entire life
i hope to keep it that way

Live in Florida; I don’t get that luxury.

you can bump the total to 2 if you count a palmetto i saw in florida

but yeah, im a northerner, so if you see a roach up here there’s a reason

Little goobers just sneak in all the time down here.

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field mice are what we get
they sneak in older homes (mine included)

i have a soft spot for rodents and feel terrible when my cats beat me to them because i dont even know if im doing it a favor by taking it outside (where more cats are waiting)